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In-Depth Guide to using Ike.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2007
Lemon County, CA
(Requesting Sticky!)

Must read if you want to become a pro Ike!

Okay, Ike is slow, but his attacks hit hard. This style of play relies on your opponent's stupidity to walk right into your attacks. Let's start going over his moves.


Usmash: When Ike starts charging this move, he crouches. Your opponent will think, "Oh, he's crouching, he must be charging a Dsmash. I'll just go above him and hit him from the air." Then WHAM! Usmash gets the sucker!

Fsmash: Best move in the game. Spam this as much as you can, especially when edge guarding. Your opponent will NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS see this one coming. When Ike swings his sword over his head, they'll freeze in their tracks, because they are afraid. Afraid of your great sword. Once they've been frozen from intimidation, they'll be hit and die once Ike brings his sword down upon them.

Dsmash: Why would you want to use this pathetic move when you have your almighty Fsmash?

Other moves

Tilts: Who in the world would you want to use tilts? It doesn't matter that they have great reach and great knockback and much better speed than his smashes. The game is called SMASH Bros. for a reason! So smash! Tilts are for wussies! Real men use Fsmash and Usmash.

Jab Combo: Just hold A, and Ike will start jabbing with blindingly fast speed. Your opponent will think to themselves, "Oh, he's not using his sword, I can attack him now!" So they'll run into you thinking that they can attack, when suddenly... WHAM! WHAMO! SWORD! They'll never expect to be hit by your sword, because you've just been jabbing. There's no way that they'll roll behind you, or jump over you to attack, they'll be too distracted by your lightning fast jabs.

Grab: Don't use any throw except for Dthrow -the best throw. Ike takes his mighty feet and steps on their head! He uses those feet to support his body while he's carrying his sword, so they're extra strong. That's gotta hurt!

Dash Attack: Don't use this, Side B is much cooler. And besides, Ike doesn't need to run! He's a ferocious beast!


Nair: Ike doesn't need this silly move. Fair is much better!

Fair: Kind of like an Fsmash in the air! Spam this! They'll never see it coming, and once Ike brings his sword over his head, they'll be frozen with fear, and that's when he strikes! No way they'll air dodge this, never in a million years.

Bair: Ike, has a fast move? Don't use this, we have better options. It can't even kill them when they're at 30%! We don't like flashy, fast moves. We like slow, solid, intimidating moves like Fsmash.

Uair: Ike swings his sword above his head like a helicopter! Who doesn't like helicopters!? Your opponent will be so distracted from looking at Ike's cool helicopter move, that they'll forget to move their character away! If you're below them, use this move! They'll never see it coming!!1!1

Dair: Ike forces his sword downwards, which sends opponents tumbling to the ground helplessly!

Special Moves

Neutral B: Ike raises his sword above his head. Your opponent will have caught on to your slowness by now, so they'll run in, thinking that they can attack! That's when you unleash the B button! Their attack will hit you, but won't even phase the mighty Ike! Ike plunges his sword downwards, causing a great eruption! Don't worry, they'll never think of throwing projectiles at you as you charge this beastly attack.

Side B: Is your opponent aaaalllllllll the way across the stage? Do you not want to have to run over there to attack them? Well, don't worry! Just start charging your Side B! Ike will gracefully glide at lightning speed towards the opponent, and slice them with his fierce blade once he connects. Again, don't worry about getting projectiles thrown at you as you use this attack, they'll just stand there, foolishly thinking that they can overpower this move.

Up B: Is your opponent waaaay above you? You don't want to make Ike jump all the way up there just to helicopter them, do you? Ike is a great, handsome, muscular guy (much like myself). It's way too hard for him to jump all the way up there! Well, you press Up B, and Ike will throw his sword, and give out a mighty cry that strikes terror into the heart of your foe. The sword hits them, and then Ike leaps up and grabs it, then brings the sword, and your opponent down to the ground. They'll never ever see this coming, not even when Ike cries, "Aether," or "Laaauh!"

Down B: Is your opponent running at you? Is it too late to give them a taste of your monstrous Fsmash? Are they about to attack? Well, press down B, and Ike will counter their attack! Once Ike counters their move, he slices them, and says, "Broken!" That's because he just broke through their attack! This won't counter grabs, but who in their right mind grabs anyways? Attacking is much better than grabbing.

There you have it. How to have a fantastic Ike, all in one marvelous guide.

This guide was meant to describe how to play Ike in FFA matches with 4 players. I wouldn't try playing like this in a 1 on 1 match if I were you.

phat magik

Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2008
Great guide. I'm going to incorporate many of these techniques into my game.

I can't believe I was so foolish to use tilts and anything but smash attacks, thank you for correcting me.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2007
Lemon County, CA
failure at trying to be funny
Funny, what? Ike gives me a boatload of trouble when I'm playing against him. I know several people that main him, and I made this guide based on how they play Ike, and how their Ikes always manage to get the best of me.

This is a magnificently great guide based on experience and wisdom. This is an educational guide, trying to help newcomers tap into Ike's potential. It is not meant to be comical in any way.
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