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In Before Lock!!!

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Smash Rookie
May 11, 2006
Get in here guys, before they lock it!!!!

I'm grilling up some burgers and I just cleaned the pool so, party!!!!

Whose next in line for Bacchi Ball?


Smash Rookie
Aug 1, 2007
Hi everybody! I'm back now after an extended period of silence. My appologies. This has been the craziest transitional 2 months of my life. As I'm sure most, if not all of you have heard, I now have a job and am living in the big city. Anyways, in my previous posts I talked a lot about my discouraging job hunt, so I just want to update you all on everything that has happened in my life in relation to that in the past 6 months.

So after I finished school in December I began my job hunt in January. There were a lot more job postings out there than I had expected to find, so that was good, but I ended up finding out that it was impossible for me to keep up and apply to them all. That was somewhat frustrating for me cause I didn't want to miss out on a potential opportunity. I was applying to jobs all over Canada and the US. Location is not an issue for me. I've always been willing to travel anywhere. Actually, I found that there really weren't too many jobs posted in Ontario, but then nobody in the US wanted to hire a Canadian entry level girl with no work visa or citizenship.

Anyways, early on in January I applied for a job at ESRI in Redlands (the king of the GIS world for those who don't know) as a Local Government Consultant. It wasn't too long until I heard back from them (which I kinda half expected). They informed me, however, that I wasn't being considered for the job that I applied for, but a position in the Technical Support department specializing in all things Raster (if you're a non-GISer and don't understand, nevermind). Anyways, the job process was 3 phone interviews and then, if you're still in the running for the job, they fly you out to California, do a final interview, meet-n-greet, and a bit of a tour around. I made it through the first 2 phone interviews but not on to the 3rd interview. That was ok with me though cause I really had no interest in the technical support helpdesk job they were trying to fill.

Somewhere around the beginning of February I had subimitted an online resume (no cover letter this time... too lazy) to a job in Minneapolis at Tier 3 Inc. as a GIS Specialist. Two days later, they emailed me back and said they would be starting their hiring process within a few weeks and would contact me then for an interview. Well a month went by and I still hadn't heard from them so I called them to inquire. I was told that they still hadn't done any interviews yet, but would be starting in another 5-6 weeks... WHAAA??!! Ok fine. They offered to forward my resume to one of their eastern offices though who they thought were going to be hiring sooner. Anyways, i never did hear back from them (at the end of April by now), so I gave up on that. I think what happened is that they didn't get the funding they were hoping for to hire anyone.

Then around the end of March, just as hope was fading, I decided (kinda as a last resort) to post my resume online on a GIS careers website. Then within a week I was pleasantly surprised... one of my former co-op employers (Dave from CRA in Waterloo who now lives and works in Palmdale CA) was just browsing around and found my resume so he decided to contact me. He let me know that he was hiring an assistant at the municipal government office where he worked and he would be happy to hire me, but it was already past the closing date on the posting and the interviews were beginning. He told me that they were interviewing 5 people from various distant places throughout the US and they were required to come to Palmdale to do a computer skills test, so if any of them backed out or if they didn't find what they were looking for in the first group of people, he would definitely give me an opportunity. They did end up finding someone though, so that shattered my hope. That's ok though cause Dave told me a lot of neagtive things about his boss and the unattractiveness and criminal activity of the desert city. And since then Dave has quit and moved to Denver, so that would've sucked for me.

Upon receiving the bad news from Dave of not getting the job at the City of Palmdale, he promised to forward my resume and a reference to any contacts he has in the GIS world, and he also forwarded me the email address of my other supervisor from my co-op job at CRA. So then I emailed Scott, who is now working at the CRA Ottawa office, and asked him if he had any leads for me. Scott then emailed me back and said that he was actually swamped with work, so he was going to talk to his boss about hiring another GISer. When I never heard back after 2 weeks though, I figured that idea didn't go over too well. And I never heard from any of "Dave's contacts" either, unfortunately. Oh well, their effort was appreciated anyway.

Hmmmm... what next?! Around the beginning of April I received a random email from a North Carolina consulting company looking for a GIS Technician to contract out to a hydro company in South Carolina. I still to this day have no idea where they found out about me from, cause I'm fairly certain that I did not send them my resume, so I assume that he must have found my resume online. Anyways, it turns out that I do not have the utilities experience that he was looking for (which you'd think he would've known by looking at my resume BEFORE contacting me), so he didn't interview me, but he said that he was still very impressed with my resume and just from talking to me a few times, so he was going to keep me in mind when a more appropriate position became available with them.

Then I got an email reply from the Northern Forestry Centre in Edmonton at the end of April for a position as a Remote Sensing Analyst. It stated that i had been selected for further assessment. I was required to answer 4 test-like questions of 250 words each. It sounded like a cool job, but I didn't expect to get the offer... and I just found out two weeks ago that indeed I was correct in my suspicion. I also had a phone interview with the Alberta Infrastructure and Transporation in Edmonton as a GIS Technologist, but it didn't go well... in fact it went very bad. Not only did I not have the answers for their crazy questions, but they also called me 2 hrs before the scheduled appointment and I had only been awake for 30 mins and was totally unprepared. So needless to say, they didn't call me back.

And then everything started to happen all at once.....

At the end of April I was invited to come to an interview for a position as a GIS Technician at DMTI Spatial Inc. in Markham for the first week of May (which I accepted... obviously!). That same week I also got another random email from a company called EngHouse in Markham. He had found my resume online and wanted to know if I'd be interested in a postion they were trying to fill and coming for an interview. It was a TRAVELLING job (WooHoo!!) where I'd have to make presentations and do client training on their software products. Surprised and honored, I said yes and managed to arrange both interviews in Markham on the same day.... only 2 blocks away from each other in fact! Anyways, both interviews that day went really well. In fact, before I even got home from Markham that day, the people from EngHouse had already called my house (knowing I wouldn't be home yet) and left a message with my dad asking me if I'd come back for a second interview. So I drove back to Markham again the following week.

At the same time as all of this was happening I got another interview. This one was in Guelph (home of Ontario's best ever country bar!) as a Planning Technician for the Upper Grand District School Board. That interview went really well and I felt very confident coming out of it. It sounded like a job I would really enjoy doing and my co-op experience proved to be very relevant, but the problem is that it was only for a one year contract.

Anyways, while I was waiting to hear back from them, I got invited back to DMTI Spatial Inc. for a second interview. I also got another call to set up a phone interview with the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo in Fort McMurray (northern Alberta). Then the day before my second interview at DMTI (Wed May 17), I was OFFERED THE JOB in Guelph! I was very excited, but I did not accept the offer immediately because of the other two interviews I still had pending. Then the following day after having another good interview at DMTI I was sure to tell them that I needed a prompt reply from them on whether I got the job or not because I had already been offered another (lower priority) job which I needed to respond to. They were very accomodating to my request and the very next day (Fri May 19) they OFFERED ME THE JOB!

So I turned down the offer at the UGDSB in Guelph and accepted the offer in Markham at DMTI. I never did hear back from EngHouse in Markham again, so I guess they must've sensed my politically correct falseness in the interviews and decided to hire not me. Anyways, a week later I had my interview with the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. The interview went pretty well and I felt qualified with my relevant co-op experience, but I didn't give it my best effort because my mind was already set on the job I had already accepted. But that didn't seem to matter because on June 1st I was OFFERED THE JOB! They wanted to first fly me out there to meet me and show me around and help me find a place to live and stuff, and then allow me time to make the transition before starting work for the summer.

Now by this time I had already spent 2 days driving back and forth (~2hrs each way) looking for an apartment in Markham and was already partially moved into this awesome basement apartment that I now have. I already felt too committed to change my mind by this time, but I was very torn over this decision. Replying "No" to that offer was SO hard for me... and I'm still not sure I made the right call for me. I wish I could've at least accepted the flight out there for a few days!! Now I know that living in Fort McMurray is not something all our dreams are made of, but for me for a long time now (as some of you know) I've wanted nothing more than to live in Alberta. I always swore that the day would NEVER come where you'd find me living in Toronto..... Well, here I am now (not loving it yet). For those of you who are interested, this is where you can find me... at least for now until I get enough experience to make the next step in my life/career: Brawl
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