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Improving the entire fighting game community as a whole (HIGLY OPINIONATED SO DON'T G

Tron Cat

Smash Rookie
Oct 20, 2011
Creep *** question.
Link to original post: [drupal=4998]Improving the entire fighting game community as a whole (HIGLY OPINIONATED SO DON'T GET SALTY OR MAD)[/drupal]

O.k. So let me just start out by saying that I'm not an avid blogger so don't go judging me too hard on my uninteresting way of speaking. ****. O.k. Anyway first of all. To those of you who are going to read this and say, "I don't need to change anything and I'm perfect, and this won't help blah blah blah," get the **** out now.

Anyway. It's come to my attention, after being a part of SEVERAL social circles, that many people feel different about competitive gaming or just gaming in general. I've had a few light discussions on this topic with my friend who you all might know, Dan, or Pierce7d (I don't give a **** if I spelled his tag wrong he knows me). Many people seem to always picture the fat sweaty pony-tailed nerd that lives in poor conditions sitting at home eating a bag of Doritos or something like that. And ****, to my surprise sometimes it's true! Get this though, these guys that are representing the image of competitive gaming are the ones that usually suck. The ones who are actually good players tend to be the ones with avid social lives and stuff like that. Not to say that making video games your whole life isn't good, because Diem Brandon (also a friend of mine) makes video games his passion, yet he presents himself well in a way that you won't look at him and think that he's just wasting his life away on nothing (not to compare anyone to anyone [sorry if anyone's uncomfortable with me bringing them up]). Now here's how I see it. The guys who are just straight up stinking up tournaments and living a meager existence at home and being filthy all day till tournament time comes should at least make an effort to improve the quality of their lives. Now I'm not saying that being like overweight means you're in this group of people because I know that weight has nothing to do with it and sometimes you just can't help it. What I'm saying is that there's no reason why you guys can't just take the time to be hygienic and learn SOME social skills that don't involve only posting on the boards. People running around screaming **** out loud for no reason isn't cool. I've seen what it looks like from outside and in and I'll be the first to say that sometimes it can be embarrassing when the dudes you're next to are yelling their ***** off at some manga. I'm a jerk for saying all of this I know, but still, like I'd like to see the ENTIRE FGC cleaned up and trimmed and kept at a friendlier level and even a method of social growth so that MORE people will feel invited to join and help the communities that we love being a part of grow. Like deadass, I give super respect to people like Diem, and Doom (WHAT A ****ING SURPRISE TWO OF THE PEOPLE WHO HELPED HOST THE BIGGEST SMASH/MELEE/ TOURNAMENT AROUND) for being true to their enthusiasm of the games we love to go out and play, and also looking professional and NOT socially awkward to anyone. So yeah, go on and hate me for being opinionated and biased, but it would give the fighting game communities a lot more spread with other people who might not normally be interested in such a thing. Yurp. =/
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