Imprisoned is an original play-by-post RPG by me, inspired by a thread from the User Blogs sections that was made years ago in which a story was crafted by people posting different entries. Although I call Imprisoned an RPG, there will be no stat-building or dice rolling of any kind. The goal is not to be the one who survives the longest, nor is it to be the one with the best loot or the highest damage output. No, instead the goal of this game is to build a horror story though cooperatively building off of each other's posts.
In this game you may choose to play as yourself or if you may make an original character to play as. It's your call.
How to Play:
- When posting, write a paragraph describing your character's actions and what they've encountered.
- If your character would be affected by that encounter, write about how your character reacts to that encounter
- Once an encounter is resolved, move onto the next one
- Remember that multiple groups of characters can be exploring different places, causing multiple encounters at the same time. If this happens, please quote the encounter you are reacting to.
- Feel free to add a picture to help illustrate what is happening
- Be sure to check in often to regularly contribute to the ongoing story
- This game's rules are based on the honor system, treat other players with the repsect you would want to be treated with
- Each player's character is their own, do not take control of another player's character unless that player has given you permission to do so
- No padding posts, when you post something make sure it adds something to the story or otherwise advances the plot in some way
- No being a Mary Sue, everyone has flaws and weaknesses in real life so this applies to the game world as well. If you wind up in an situation where your character faces certain death then face death with dignity and don't deus ex machina your way out of it
- If your character dies, please refrain from posting unless otherwise noted. You may still like posts, however.
- If you're a new player and the current season is nearing its end please refrain from joining the game until the next season starts.
Notes on Season structure:
- Assuming that this first game is successful, we will start again with a new story. Each of these new stories will be referred to as Seasons.
- Seasons are not sequels, instead they take place in their own self-contained universe. This is so that if you played as yourself or had a character you were fond of you may play as yourself or that character again. This also allows us to make new stories without being bogged down by continuity.
- Each Season will have a prologue which sets the stage for the current game. Please be sure to read these before you post.
- Each Season will also have a plot summaries which I will update as major events unfold. This is to give a point of reference for new players jumping into the game.
Season 1 Prologue/The Story So Far:
Imprisoned is an original play-by-post RPG by me, inspired by a thread from the User Blogs sections that was made years ago in which a story was crafted by people posting different entries. Although I call Imprisoned an RPG, there will be no stat-building or dice rolling of any kind. The goal is not to be the one who survives the longest, nor is it to be the one with the best loot or the highest damage output. No, instead the goal of this game is to build a horror story though cooperatively building off of each other's posts.
In this game you may choose to play as yourself or if you may make an original character to play as. It's your call.
How to Play:
- When posting, write a paragraph describing your character's actions and what they've encountered.
- If your character would be affected by that encounter, write about how your character reacts to that encounter
- Once an encounter is resolved, move onto the next one
- Remember that multiple groups of characters can be exploring different places, causing multiple encounters at the same time. If this happens, please quote the encounter you are reacting to.
- Feel free to add a picture to help illustrate what is happening
- Be sure to check in often to regularly contribute to the ongoing story
- This game's rules are based on the honor system, treat other players with the repsect you would want to be treated with
- Each player's character is their own, do not take control of another player's character unless that player has given you permission to do so
- No padding posts, when you post something make sure it adds something to the story or otherwise advances the plot in some way
- No being a Mary Sue, everyone has flaws and weaknesses in real life so this applies to the game world as well. If you wind up in an situation where your character faces certain death then face death with dignity and don't deus ex machina your way out of it
- If your character dies, please refrain from posting unless otherwise noted. You may still like posts, however.
- If you're a new player and the current season is nearing its end please refrain from joining the game until the next season starts.
Notes on Season structure:
- Assuming that this first game is successful, we will start again with a new story. Each of these new stories will be referred to as Seasons.
- Seasons are not sequels, instead they take place in their own self-contained universe. This is so that if you played as yourself or had a character you were fond of you may play as yourself or that character again. This also allows us to make new stories without being bogged down by continuity.
- Each Season will have a prologue which sets the stage for the current game. Please be sure to read these before you post.
- Each Season will also have a plot summaries which I will update as major events unfold. This is to give a point of reference for new players jumping into the game.
Season 1 Prologue/The Story So Far:
Lighting cracks and the roaring thunder wakes you from your sleep. You jolt awake and quickly take note of the fact that this room you are in is unfamiliar, you've never been here before in your life. The bed you are on is large, firm and dusty. The furniture in the room is old and rotting. Harsh rain throws itself onto the windows with all of its might as distant thunder cries out somewhere beyond the dark forest that lies outdoors. Unsure of where you are or how you got here, you get out of the bed and start searching for answers.
The Story So Far:
After awakening in this mysterious mansion, Soup and Finalark quickly run into each other. Although standoffish at first, the two agree that the best course of action would be to team up. While Finalark was interested in checking out a light coming from the downstairs area at the end of the hall, Soup suggests that they search around for clues first. Finalark finds himself (herself?) in agreement and the two start to look around the hallway they awoke in.
Meanwhile, Gheb stirs awakens from his own slumber. Lost and confused, he too begins a search for clues.
The Story So Far:
After awakening in this mysterious mansion, Soup and Finalark quickly run into each other. Although standoffish at first, the two agree that the best course of action would be to team up. While Finalark was interested in checking out a light coming from the downstairs area at the end of the hall, Soup suggests that they search around for clues first. Finalark finds himself (herself?) in agreement and the two start to look around the hallway they awoke in.
Meanwhile, Gheb stirs awakens from his own slumber. Lost and confused, he too begins a search for clues.