Oh, what do you know, this thread was in Melee Discussion already... it was just buried.
I was going to create my own thread for visibility purposes but seeing as this is here and it was bumped by choknater (thanks btw) I'm going to post it here instead.
Going to NCR or any Road to EVO event that has Melee is practically necessary if you want to get seeded appropriately at EVO. You won't get seeded by skill level or anything at all if you don't win any seeding points at the tournaments offering them for Melee. Which inhibits your chances of making top 8; even if you think you're amazing you literally only have 2 chances in the entire tournament.
EVO is not doing normal pools where it's fighting every player in the pool to get a compiled score. They're doing bracket pools and you know what that means? That means if you lose, you're automatically in loser's for the entirety of the tournament. Yes, that even means all the way to Top 8 you would be in loser's, assuming you don't lose again.
It's also a good look on the Smash community to support our game at the Road to EVO tournaments so it doesn't look like we don't care and just wanted to "buy" our way into EVO. Winter Brawl 7 was met with disappointment because of lack of attendance. I don't want to see that happening for NCR or any other possible Road to EVO tournament that is hosting Melee (I think there's going to be one in Toronto in May... but nothing's been posted yet officially). It also hurts us exponentially if nobody shows up at these tournaments. Hurts our chances at future NCRs, future ANY tournament where other fighting games are at.
I thought we wanted to bridge the gap between Smash and other FGs? If we want to do that, we need to go to these tournaments. Simply just attending EVO isn't enough; if barely anyone shows up for NCR or any other Road to EVO for Melee tournament players of other communities will be less likely to take us seriously as well as their prominent TOs. That's bad. EVO won't be able to repair that image. Yes, the game's image will potentially be repaired but not the community (unless we seriously got like 1,000 players there or something ridiculous).
I understand money is tight and most would rather save up for EVO but realize that you have until July to get money set aside for it. NCR is in April, you would do the community a good thing by attending. And what's even better is, NCR is being ran by our own TOs, Hyuga and Boback; so you wouldn't even have to worry about anything being wonky on that side of things. It would be just as good as any Smash only tournament AND Melee would be on the main stage/stream for NCR!
So the point is, we need to back up the $94k we raised in January by not just attending EVO, but by attending any Road to EVO events that have Melee. And chances are, it's only two events; so if you can make one of them that's good enough.
I... think that's all? I don't think I missed anything.
So tl;dr: plan to go to these ****ing tournaments