Smash Apprentice
Since I main Falco, I thought about starting to use Fox. My speed with Fox is alright, but he seems to be full of errors. In other words, I will eventually do something wrong in the match like push the wrong button at the wrong time that might cost me a stock or two. It really sucks and I would like to correct this problem as soon as possible. What would be some nice combos to do in a Fox mirror match, against a captain falcon, and a marth? I will post a video of my fox playing against a computer later today so you can all watch it and tell me what I'm doing wrong. The main thing I would like to know once I get the video up is if I should just stick to Falco or continue practicing Fox? The video should be up before 4:00 P.M. U.S. Pacific time so check out this thread again around that time if you would like to view the video. Thanks alot. :]