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I'm starting a project, does anyone wanna contribute footage?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2006
Ok, so I am a pretty experienced video editor, not the best but I think that I'm Fairly decent at it. Anyways, I've been wanting to make a Smash video for a long time but I haven't gotten around to getting a capture card (my footage wouldn't be so good anyways lol XD). So I am enlisting the help of my fellow smashers :chuckle:. The concept of the video is a big smash all-star combo vid. footage from all characters spliced together into a long enjoyable work of art...or something like that :chuckle: So, if there is anyone interested reply or msg/e-mail me at dx-pyrozero64@hotmail.com so I can know who will contribute and how much footage I will have.

Capture card footage IS PREFERRED...however if the digital camera footage is decent enough and/or "good" enough, I will probably accept.

Theres really no set time limit to when you can submit footage yet, I will be accepting footage until I have a decent amount to start out with, oh and also I don't know what the footage could be transfered by (other then msn -_-) so if anyone knows of a way, would greatly appreciate the info.

I will update this list as I get the footage so this thread will show what and whose footage I have.


(Captian Falcon)

(Doctor Mario)

(Donkey Kong)





(Ice Climbers)
















(Young Link)


*BTW- Here's two of the vids I have recently worked on...(not smash-realted)...(shameless vid plug FTW! XD) http://youtube.com/watch?v=AhjL_SyoKm8



Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2006
I could help once I get my Capture Card Running. Having troubles with it recently.....
awesome thanks, hope you get it up and running soon :)

pretty sweet, i'll try contributing

by the way what do you use to edit videos
ok thanks, I use Vegas 7.0 and aftereffects with a bit of virtualdub and virtualdubmod in there for the quality of the rendered video =)
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