Seriously. I'm just...content.
I'll be happier in 3 days when the game is out and I get blasted with media but..
I'm just happy.
Why you might ask?
Because I've waited nearly 2 fcking years for this game since the day I saw the trailer at E3 06.
2 years of wishful thinking, speculation, release dates, hope, and not knowing **** near anything about the game because in a span of 1 year, Sakurai left us with almost NOTHING in terms of news about the game.
Just within the span of 9 months, we've been blown away with surprising information.
Seriously, Pokemon Trainer? Probably the last thing anyone expected.
Captain Olimar? I'm sure people thought he had a good chance of getting in, but nobody could really envision how well he could mesh in a game like Brawl. And look. They did it.
Sonic? I mean, are you serious? THE Sonic? He's in this game?
And there's still so much more to come that we will know in less than a week. It's so exciting! And I'm just so happy...I'm soooo tired of waiting. Even if I don't get the game for a month, it will just be a load off my chest to know...
the game is out.
the game is done.
the game is complete.
and we will know everything there is to know about it very soon.
and just the fact that after 2 years of waiting....we've finally reached the end of the race, the climax of our hopes and wishes, and the beginning of many years of Brawling, instead of many years of just too much joy for me to contain.
Am I the only one who feels this way? lol sorry
I'll be happier in 3 days when the game is out and I get blasted with media but..
I'm just happy.
Why you might ask?
Because I've waited nearly 2 fcking years for this game since the day I saw the trailer at E3 06.
2 years of wishful thinking, speculation, release dates, hope, and not knowing **** near anything about the game because in a span of 1 year, Sakurai left us with almost NOTHING in terms of news about the game.
Just within the span of 9 months, we've been blown away with surprising information.
Seriously, Pokemon Trainer? Probably the last thing anyone expected.
Captain Olimar? I'm sure people thought he had a good chance of getting in, but nobody could really envision how well he could mesh in a game like Brawl. And look. They did it.
Sonic? I mean, are you serious? THE Sonic? He's in this game?
And there's still so much more to come that we will know in less than a week. It's so exciting! And I'm just so happy...I'm soooo tired of waiting. Even if I don't get the game for a month, it will just be a load off my chest to know...
the game is out.
the game is done.
the game is complete.
and we will know everything there is to know about it very soon.
and just the fact that after 2 years of waiting....we've finally reached the end of the race, the climax of our hopes and wishes, and the beginning of many years of Brawling, instead of many years of just too much joy for me to contain.
Am I the only one who feels this way? lol sorry