I am pretty terrible by your guys standards. I'm just starting to learn wave dashing and teching and stuff like that. I wanna meet new people make friends and be a part of the community. I also want to get good I guess. I need to find people to play with too because I'm like mlg compared to any of my friends that play. I've just been fighting cpus. I used to play only as fox but I recently started using sheik a little and like sheik more than fox now.
I know people at my school used to think I was super pro or something, but I would go to Melee tournaments and be glad I placed like 17th out of 40 (made it out of pools and won a single bracket match, because I'd only been playing Melee for a short time).
There's some tips on training alone in various parts of the forums, especially in Melee sections. One thing I've read time and again is that practicing only against level 9s is bad, and it is better to practice against level 7s or level 3s. Can't say I know all the details, but if you've only been repeatedly gimping level 9s, that might not help you improve, since people can recover better and with more tricks than the AI.
Also, there are plenty of people on here who are improving (pretty much all of them), and tons of people who are "terrible" at the game as well, but they play it because it's fun and they want to get better. Don't be worried that you're somehow the worst person on the boards here, because that would be false.