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I'm a bit confused


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2008
Hey Brawlers! I'm pretty new here, but I'm in no way shape or form a noob. :p

But yeah, I do have a pretty nooby question.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=bL8b919vv4I Ike vs. Marth
What the HECK happend at 3:10?!?!
Bah, that Marth was pretty good.

So, I was also thinking: From that video, albeit a small stage, Ike should approach more, but with spaced aerials or Quick Draw. What are some good mind games for Ike? He has extreme - because he needs it - potential for mind games. Also, how does his counter differ from Marth's?

Until then,


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2005
Auburn, WA
oh heheh THAT.... that only happens on that stage I believe...or on stages where the ends are slanted downwards (maybe pictochat :/)

some mindgames can be a b-reversed QD (I love to those XD) or watching thier rolls predicting them and placing a f-smash there...Ike's counter differs than marth's in a number of ways...first off it the actual "counter" frames don't start until after the "ting" , second the "counter" frames don't last as long as Marth's, and lastly Ike's Counter does the same amount of damage and knockback as the move used on him * 1.2 more
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