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Smash Rookie
Dec 5, 2007
I think that rather than the conventional, useless slow & strong character, they should make a character that only moves slowly, but maintains attack speed with increased power. I don't think slow attack speed and slow movement speed should ever coincide unless the character has godly staying power. This is what I'm curious about- how fast is Ike's movement speed, and how fast is his basic attack speed?

Has anyone got anything to say about the mediocre performance he's had on most of the videos?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 3, 2007
McKinleyville, CA
Thats the thing, Ike does have godly slaying power, moreso than any character we know about at this time. I've heard his runspeed isnt too bad, its just his attacks that are slow. I plan on using him a lot though, he seems to fit my style nicely.
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