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ike vs campers


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Netherlands, Bilthoven
Now we all know that Brawl is a bit camper-heavy, with people who choose a character and simply spam that nice ranged button and wiggle the C-stick when you get close.
The most I played were pretty bad at the game itself, but were hard opponents to kill with Ike due to their nature of play.

Does anyone here have some hints as how to counter one with such a playstyle? I tried everything from trying to get to him and spacing with Fair, mindgaming him into attacking me, staying out of range till he gets bored (they tend to do that..I hope xD). But nothing really seems to work.
If it helps my matchup is against a Wolf, who when I get close usually just smashes me away or catches me with his -->B
I don't have problems with Bowser thanks to his Flame en Fortress but Ike simply gets ***** by his camping game. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!




Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Seems like you've got yourself a Wolf infestation! Now, I used to play as him before I switched back to Ike, so I can give you some pointers.

-Remember that Wolf is one of the easiest characters to powershield, master this. Powershield his projectile, and his Smashes.

-If he attempts to go fancy and "Shoot, predict the jump and side B", you might try a jumping counter. Worst thing that'll happen is you counter a blaster shot.

-You'll want to use your jab if you're close, keep him away at a steady pace. Enough to make sure he can't get you, but not enough for him to blaster spam.

-Since he's degrading the Fsmash apparently, he'll be left with two solid kill moves. The Down Smash is fast, both in wind up and cool down. It kills near 110% at the edge, look out for it after he drops a shield, and perhaps hit him with a Ftilt (Or Fsmash, if you're up to it.). His other killer is the Fair. Just outspace.

-Remember that Wolf has bad recovery, so you should be able to punish him. If he's going low, he might try to Scar you. Counter or walk back to punish.

nothing else should be particularly noteworthy in this match.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Netherlands, Bilthoven
Very much thanks for the quick reply there, and some solid hints too.

"-If he attempts to go fancy and "Shoot, predict the jump and side B", you might try a jumping counter. Worst thing that'll happen is you counter a blaster shot."

This is something I can't believe I didn't think of, its a solid game and he'll probably fall for it.
I'll try to shieldslide towards him, and master the 'art of powershielding' (I heard its easier as in Melee?) =]

Do you have an idea what stage I should try and face him on? FD was a dead ringer for death, as was battlefield. So I tried Smashvile for the best results. Any tips on that? Halbert perhaps?

I'll try it out hopefully today (if he wants to battle me:p), if anyone else has some hints feel free to post it here of some other camping problems :) (I hear ROB is a nasty fella...or robot.. ;p)




Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Powershielding is fairly easy, you just need to get used to the speed of it.

As for a stage for playing Wolf, I highly recommend Lylat Cruise. You see, he has really a hard time recovering there, plus you can use the platforms both to avoid his blaster, but to also start attacks of your own. Playing any space animal on Final Destination is just bad news.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Netherlands, Bilthoven
Solid advice, thanks a bunch again =] I was afraid to use LC due to the Aether glitch going on there, but forching Wolf to die at low % due to crappy recovery...might be worth it ;p
I'll let you know how the match went!
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