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Ike main, new to the boards


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2008
San Francisco, CA
hey all, I've been browsing these boards for weeks and read many character faqs and strategies for Ike, the character I have wanted to main since I heard he was in the game. I'm decent with him, I can beat almost all of my friends consistantly, but I think I would get killed by most of you. Anyway, I would love to do some 1 vs 1 with some people who are good with Ike, as I want to learn everything I can. I also saw some posts about guilds, I know very little about them, but I may be interested once I get a little better. Anyway, my SSBB friend code is 4081-5262-1337, so feel free to add me and give me some pointers on my playing. I am in college at Notre Dame, so I will be pretty busy finishing up the year, but I will still find time to play some online matches. I would appreciate any information for playing Ike better, videos, faqs, guides, etc. Thanks for the help, I'm glad to be a part of this board.


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
Northeast Ohio
I'd love to do some 1v1 with you. My FC is under my avatar. I'll add you to friends.

-Ok, you're added. Just do the same and we'll be able to 1v1.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
GTFO the Internets, these topics arent allowed
so once again
GTFO the internets
Granted, this should really be in the Meet and Greet forum and there's a compilation of friend codes for Ike mains, but you're overreacting. This guy just wants to get better - is there any wrong in that?

Anyways, welcome to the boards, egernant. I would play you if you were closer to IL; lag is something I'd like to avoid.


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2008
San Francisco, CA
I apologize that this is in the wrong place, I am new. Anyway, I would like to get a bunch of friend codes so I can get some instruction on playing Ike, and i figure the best way to do that is to play with those who are better than me. Go ahead and add me (I have a wired connection at a good university, there shouldnt be lag problem on my end) and I will add you if you post below.

Thanks for the help

Friend Code = 4081-5262-1337
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