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Ike fake airjuggle


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ok, this might allready be known and if it is I apologize for bringing it up but go ahead and lock if it is. For Ike it seems his dair move wheil normally it operates as a meteorsmash can also actually spike the enemy midair instead of dropping them.

From whast I can tell you have to hit them with the upperhalf of Ike's torso. I notice that his sword is lifted up before he hits down but even while still in attack animation the move hits even though all that connected with the opponent is his back.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Ok, this might allready be known and if it is I apologize for bringing it up but go ahead and lock if it is. For Ike it seems his dair move wheil normally it operates as a meteorsmash can also actually spike the enemy midair instead of dropping them.

From whast I can tell you have to hit them with the upperhalf of Ike's torso. I notice that his sword is lifted up before he hits down but even while still in attack animation the move hits even though all that connected with the opponent is his back.


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
You = Fail
GTFO the internets
Dude. That attitude sucks. :chuckle: That's really, just plain mean to say. I understand your grief, but I think it would be better to be understanding. This here is a community, many of us are but padawans to the mighty knowledge possessed by the l33t few. I think we should be encouraging and helpful to each other, not discouraging and dismissive right? We all stand to learn something useful from it. :bee:

I gotta admit, though, that animated gif is heeelarious LOLOL :laugh: That must be, like, an ancestor of Bill & Ted, the first to invent the "Noooo wayyyyy!" :chuckle:

Anyways thewiredknight, yeah. Most people know about this move existing. I don't think it's really a fake (it would have to be more difficult to read) or a juggle (I think those gotta be consecutive, and ur opponent can't do anything about it). It's just a part of the way the dair works. Sorta in the same way that eruption can cause downward spikes (didn't know that till I saw a video)! No need to name it, but it's something to be mindful of :bee:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ok Miller; it might be wise to stop using your whole vocabulary in a single post. I've seen you post the exact same thing in about a dozen or so threads today so either you lack a decent understanding of english to state things in a more eloquent fashion or you are just plain ignorant.

At least Sliq found an amusing way to point out that this was known allready. Seemed odd to me since a move connects on part of the body that isn't even technically part of the attack.

As for what I named in the thread; yeah it sounded dumb in retrospect. That's what I get for actually naming a thread while playing a match :-P
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