I would make a movie about the meetings of a group of super computers created by humans to deal with major crisis in a non bias way and basically be the rulers of humanity. In these logs you learn they have had no issues in their mission until suddenly they found evidence that the world will soon be destroyed by unstoppable forces (Still figuring that part out) and the question is brought among them, is it better to save themselves, or risk saving everyone. This causes a feud in the council as they debate trying their best to prepare the people who have become sort of unprofessional when it comes to such things for travel. In the end, they have a internal battle, since they are all in one mainframe this is done digitally, the side in favor of helping the humans wins. They then realize a vessel that contains both them and the people is impossible to leave in time, and sacrafice themselves, to allow humans to start again, bringing an interesting twist to the usually evil machine sterotype.