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I would appreciate some help with Wolf!


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2008
Well, I played Melee casually for... about 2 months, and I've never played at a serious level. I really want to try to become at least decent at this game, and not totally suck. I'm looking for some people who main Wolf to play me on WiFi. You know, help me get better, give me some advice. I don't care if you thrash me, at least I'll be learning something, and that's the best way to learn; from experience! I'm still not sure who I want my main to be, so getting a more competitive feel for their playstyle would be great. I'm tossing up between Bowser, Falco, and Wolf mainly.

So, I'd really appreciate any help you'd be willing to give me, send me a PM, or reply in this thread, and we'll arrange something. We could use MSN to arrange fights or whatever, so as I said, if you're interested, send me a PM!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Why don't you look up for some vid's? There's a sticky topic too look up. Seeing these videos actually helps quite a lot if you're not good yet


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
Zonagle, if you want experience in Brawl, your best bet is with friends offline. Online = fail. There's so much lag (depends, tho). Your best bet is to watch PRO battles on youtube or something and then try to apply their tactics to your own game. But as I said, the best way is with friends, that way, you'll all learn/experience things and then share it with each other. It's how I've gotten as good as I have (I don't mean to say I'm amazing).


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2008
Zonagle, if you want experience in Brawl, your best bet is with friends offline. Online = fail. There's so much lag (depends, tho). Your best bet is to watch PRO battles on youtube or something and then try to apply their tactics to your own game. But as I said, the best way is with friends, that way, you'll all learn/experience things and then share it with each other. It's how I've gotten as good as I have (I don't mean to say I'm amazing).
Well, I have watched some videos, as for friends, I don't really live that close to any, so getting together to play isn't really an option.
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