It seems like anytime I do encounter someone good in for glory, they don't stick around too long, or I happen to be feeling pretty crappy when I'm fighting, (I'm not really a healthy person)
I tried using that smash ladder site...the people there were...not the "end of the world doomsday" kind of players I was hoping to find, they were slightly above average at best. (I've seen SHOCKINGLY better players at random in for glory)
If I post this in the 3ds friend code thread, no ones gonna see it...
my code is 0559 - 7205 - 1414, though I'm sure not everyone here would be called a "friend" by anyone. >_>
I tried using that smash ladder site...the people there were...not the "end of the world doomsday" kind of players I was hoping to find, they were slightly above average at best. (I've seen SHOCKINGLY better players at random in for glory)
If I post this in the 3ds friend code thread, no ones gonna see it...
my code is 0559 - 7205 - 1414, though I'm sure not everyone here would be called a "friend" by anyone. >_>