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i wanna learn to play wolf.


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2008
i need help playing wolf.i mean i play with wolf just like any beginer does and i need tips on how to play wolf better.can you help me please?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Check the guides here. That's how I learned. Go to koskinator's guide "the essence of wolf", it's the most recently updated.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Washington State
Is there a reason why trolls insist on storming into this thread and spouting nonsense? If you don't have anything productive to say and only want to make idiots of yourself in a thread where somebody is asking for advice, take it somewhere else. If you think spamming Wolf's F-smash will guarantee you a win against decent players, then it really just goes to show what poor knowledge you have regarding this character. Watch any of GERM's or Lucien's matches as Wolf and tell me where they spam F-smash.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Is there a reason why trolls insist on storming into this thread and spouting nonsense? If you don't have anything productive to say and only want to make idiots of yourself in a thread where somebody is asking for advice, take it somewhere else. If you think spamming Wolf's F-smash will guarantee you a win against decent players, then it really just goes to show what poor knowledge you have regarding this character. Watch any of GERM's or Lucien's matches as Wolf and tell me where they spam F-smash.
Where did anybody say spamming fsmash will gaurantee you a win?



The guy said he wanted to learn how to play Wolf. Well, the majority start there.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Wolf is basically one of the simplest fighters to use. His smash attacks are quite fast, and he's a strong horizontal killer. Main flaw is his recovery, especially on certain stages.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Washington State
Where did anybody say spamming fsmash will gaurantee you a win?



The guy said he wanted to learn how to play Wolf. Well, the majority start there.
You said yourself that all he needed was to learn smash attacks and to use his laser in order to play Wolf effectively. I'm curious who you think you are to tell people how to play Wolf? I haven't see you around here before and I doubt you even know what stage scarring is. And to me you sound a lot like a scrub player who actually believes Wolf is overpowered or cheap, so you feel the need to vent your frusturation on anyone who wants to know how to play as him.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
You said yourself that all he needed was to learn smash attacks and to use his laser in order to play Wolf effectively.

Did not.

I'm curious who you think you are to tell people how to play Wolf?

Who are you to tell me I can't?

I haven't see you around here before and I doubt you even know what stage scarring is.

I'm not exactly sure, but I think its using Wolf's side-b to go through the stage and return to a neutral position quickly.

And to me you sound a lot like a scrub player who actually believes Wolf is overpowered or cheap, so you feel the need to vent your frusturation on anyone who wants to know how to play as him.

Good job. You made a bunch of assumptions, and have proven you're very easy to tick off. I don't think Wolf is cheap, or overpowered. He is, though, like Mario and Sonic Guy said, a very easy character to pick up, like MK.

I was taking a jab at Wolf, thats all.

Calm down.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
belfast but orginally from the Isle of Man
hey i know i didn't start this thread but thanks a lot and i would love to face some of you lot on brawl when it comes out in the UK and i know that this is off topic but how do you get a friend code as i haven't got a clue answers on a post card please .only joking about the post card


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I think what you have to do is start by learning to reliably produce the advanced techniques and other complex inputs. Then you figure out how to use them.

Ignore everything you know up to this point. (If you don't know anything ignore the rest of this paragraph). Don't put on cruise control when you're playing; if you're in practice, make yourself do stuff you don't know how to do. Make yourself try to land it, see its use.

Sure, anyone but a genius will then go on to have overly technical, substance-lacking play to start out, but, hey, you gotta learn your letters before you can spell, right?

Then watch vids (high-level play only), and play friends. Watching videos at a level just at the rim of your comprehension is good - anything else can only stunt your development. At least with friends your hands are on the controller and you can try stuff out, mess around with them.

Then play good people. Get owned. Dust yourself off. Repeat.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Washington State
Did not.

Yes you did. The OP asked how to get good with Wolf, and you say all he needed were smash attacks. Obviously you know nothing about using Wolf to his full potential.

Who are you to tell me I can't?

You're more than welcome to give him useful advice. I just don't like the way you come in here with a negative attitude while other people are trying to politely offer him helpful advice. And as stated above, you clearly know nothing about using Wolf to his full potential, therefore I would say your advice is pretty useless. If anything, it sounds to me like you're intentionally trying to make the OP into a bad player and if that's your goal, then really, you aren't welcome here.

I'm not exactly sure, but I think its using Wolf's side-b to go through the stage and return to a neutral position quickly.

Good job using the search function.

Good job. You made a bunch of assumptions, and have proven you're very easy to tick off.

Just stop posting, because now you're being a hypocrite. You saying that I'm "ticked off" is an assumption as well. If you would really like to know, I'm actually quite calm while typing this. You obviously feel the need to keep replying, so I would say you're just as guilty of being "ticked off" as I am.

I don't think Wolf is cheap, or overpowered. He is, though, like Mario and Sonic Guy said, a very easy character to pick up, like MK.

Only when playing casually.
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