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I thought I'd say Hi!


Smash Rookie
Aug 31, 2015
Bavaria, Germany
Soooo... Hello! I'm new here exactly not even for an hour. I found myself looking for some Smash obsessed people just like me! So here i am! I read trough the whole "Ya better introduce yerself" thread and..well here it is!
---Sorry for my bad grammar and stuff english is not my mother tongue :x---

I'll just answer the examples that where listed on the Thread.

  • Who do you main in your Smash game(s) of choice? Why?:

    So it all started in the year 2000... i was only 3 Years old but already obsessed with games so my Mum picked a copy of SSB (64) from a Garage Sale and gave it to me. Didn't really understood the game until i was older...so let me skip the next 6 Years until i was nine and able to really enjoy the game i played it like all the time, not knowing there was something like Melee! Until i unlocked the 4 Secret Characters in Smash64 and maining Cap.Falcon because he was the only guy i didn't knew from the game. Almost 3 Years later i got myself a copy of Melee and i was so flashed about the new characters the new modes and everything and i mained Pichu because everbody
    underestimated him! Again some years later i got Brawl for Christmas, i played the Story mode like...30 times. But i kinda missed the old left out Characters from Melee, so at some point i homebrewed my Wii and
    got Project M! But i didn't really enjoyed it..it kinda took the things i loved about the series and made it a more competive, casual Beat 'em up. And now with the Smash for 3DS + DLC's im sitting here, with no worthy enemie because i'm livin' in a small town without anybody good in gaming.

  • Why have you joined Smashboards? How did you hear about the site?:
I just googled a "Smash board" because i was looking for worthy players! Yup thats all.

  • Do you attend tournaments? Do you want to?:
I never got a chance to attend in one, but i would love to do so!
  • Talk about your interests outside of Smash Bros.! Anime, sports, other games, etc:
I'm totally in Gaming! I played all the classics...from Nintendo i'm not a big fan of Sony or Microsoft...especially Microsoft they ruined my best friend in Childhood...Banjo >:c I'm also in a Boxing Club and doing a lot of hiking in my free time!
  • What other communities are you a part of? Clubs at school, other forums?:
I just ended my School so... not really there is the Boxing Club i spoke before and well a german Pokemon Board.

That's all for now i guess, if there are any questions or ya want to add me on the 3DS a pm would be appreciated...Bye!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2013
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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