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I really want to main Dedede. Can anyone summarize what makes him good?

Neo Rhetoric

Smash Rookie
Jun 4, 2003
Calmly existing as a spectator
I love Dedede's flavor. I wanted to main him ever since I heard he was announced, and as many times as I really want to sit down and learn him, I get tempted away with other characters that are better (Snake, MK).

I've heard that there are some tournament winning Dedede's now, and as much as Snake and Metaknight are dominating, I think I would rather just learn D3, since I like the character so much more.

So, now to my point. How are people winning with Dedede? Can someone summarize what's good, what not to do, and what strats are putting D3 within range to win?

Thanks! :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC // Middletown, CT
It seems like you have been playing characters to win, not the characters that you like or have fun playing. First off, don't play D3 because you see he's winning some tourneys here and there. Try him out and see if you like the playstyle, or if you are a big Kirby fan just go for it. My advice is find your favorite character and ignore the results and stuff.

I play D3 and Game&Watch. Before Brawl came out, I really wanted to play MetaKnight because I loved playing as MK in Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland (after you beat the game). However, I found Meta to be really boring and I felt kinda cheap shuttlelooping and whorenadoing around all the time. Ultimately I found that Game and Watch fit my natural, aggressive play style the best. I picked up Dedede because I have always been a huge Kirby fan, and wanted to try a more defensive character, possibly as a secondary. I ended up liking Dedede even more once I got used to his nuances. But lemme try to answer your question.

People are winning with dedede cuz....

from here: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=142229


1. Heavyweight character
2. Excellent Recovery
3. Great Projectile
4. Incredibly Strong
5. High Priority Moves
6. Great Aerials
7. Insane grabbing game

He has amazing grabbing, great gimping ability, really strong moves, great priority esp. on aerials, etc etc etc.

just read the guide

Neo Rhetoric

Smash Rookie
Jun 4, 2003
Calmly existing as a spectator
Thanks for the help, Laird. Its not that I want to main him because he's good (I already did that with Metaknight, and like you, I got bored).

I want to main him because I really like the character. The problem was, I didn't want to invest the time into D3 if everyone else was going to play Snake/MK and win all the tournaments. I like playing competatively, but I also don't like getting owned match after match because one or two characters are broke.

Remeber Fox/Falco/Shiek? I mained Falco, not because I liked him, but because I had to.

The fact that Dedede has been winning any tourneys at all, has given me the hope I need to feel confident maining a character that I love, and also have a chance at winning with him as well.

*reads guide* :)


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
grab range, strength, speed, projectile, recovery super armor, just sexy as h3ll <3


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC // Middletown, CT
grab range, strength, speed, projectile, recovery super armor, just sexy as h3ll <3
well to be specific, his chaingrab is ****, he is a very good edguarder. he can kill and gimp quickly. This video will show you why DDD is so good when played at a high level: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PWQVcevlo7s

LOL @ Aero posting right after sambda links to his combo vid. Good stuff.

Oh and I forgot about the recovery SA. Taking people off stage with D3 is so fun.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
LOL @ Aero posting right after sambda links to his combo vid. Good stuff.

Oh and I forgot about the recovery SA. Taking people off stage with D3 is so fun.
lmao i didnt even read samdaba's reply haha good **** ;)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2008
F tilt is nice
D tilt is nice also :]

B air is the ****
F air is the ****
N air ... meh
D and U Air are nice

his game nice, and the CG makes his groud game nice also


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Forget about his moves, even though they are part of the reason i mained him but I mained him because he's so fun to play with. I litterally just laughj constantly when i'm playing

Pause occasionally in CPU fights and his penguin expressions are the funniest thing.

Suicidedede i litterally Rofl.

Maybe i'm just childish but yeah its entertaining :D


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2008
Forget about his moves, even though they are part of the reason i mained him but I mained him because he's so fun to play with. I litterally just laughj constantly when i'm playing

Pause occasionally in CPU fights and his penguin expressions are the funniest thing.

Suicidedede i litterally Rofl.

Maybe i'm just childish but yeah its entertaining :D
not to mention crouch is epic :]

3 f tilts in a row = pissing off a falco attempting to b up :]
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