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I need to get better, got any tips?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2011
Northern California
vs wario

First and foremost, work on your spacing. i know it's tough on wifi, but you're running into him too much and he's working his way under your sword. you gotta space your ff fairs and u-airs.

Try to read and get more grabs, esp. against wario.

if you start dancing blade, idk why you cancelled into counter?

Stop being so committal, get rid of the "every time he hits me i gotta hit him back immediately" mindset. You'll run yourself into disadvantageous positions. If you're getting combo'd, back off, reset, and be patient. wait for an opening.

vs falco

Mix up your approach options, you are being too predictable on your approach game, and he's punishing you for that.

again, spacing is very off, youre full hop u-airing and it's just so off. also dancing blade, try to use only for punishes.

again, the last note i made in the wario match, don't be so committal. be a bit more campy. powershield his lasers, use the platform, hang onto the ledge, it can be helpful sometime. You're being too aggro. cool it.


hope i helped. =)
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