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I need a bit of help.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
UK, England
I need some help with my Olimar.

1) I've noticed i grab alot. Is it a good thing or does it make me to predictable.
2) I mostly use fairs, dairs and uairs
3) I have trouble KO'ing i can get their percent up pretty quick but it takes me a while to actually KO them. Any tips?
4)Is there any mindgames i could be adding to my play?
5) I dont use alot of ground base attacks.
6) I only use pikmin throw sometimes and mostly if im grabbing.

Any help would be appreciated.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
It's good to grab a lot. That means you are taking advantage of Olimar's ranged attacks. However, it seems like you're not fully utilizing Olimar's range. You say that you use a lot down-airs, back-airs, and forward-airs. All of those attacks are fairly powerful, but they require you to be very near your opponent. As a result, you are putting yourself in unnecessary danger. I recommend taking full advantage of Olimar's ranged hit-boxes and attack more often on the ground, when you are able to. Jumping into the air puts Olimar at risk if the opponent approaches you while you're in the air. Staying on the ground is actually safer, because you can protect yourself from more angles.

As for killing, sometimes it's good NOT to rush towards your opponent when they are at high percentages. Your opponent will actually expect you to come towards them, trying to get the killing blow. Therefore, you are making yourself more predictable by trying to obviously kill them as soon as possible. I find it useful to play mind games with your opponent, before trying to actually land a killing blow. Latch a couple of Pikmin onto them. At this point, the Pikmin are not used for damage, since you've already gotten your opponent to a high percentage. The Pikmin are merely used to distract your opponent, so you can approach them and kill them. If your opponent is smart, he or she will ignore the latched Pikmin. If they are already above 130%, taking a little bit more damage is not as important. However, most people succumb to their normal, instinctive tendencies to try to get latched Pikmin off of themselves as fast as they can. This, ultimately, distracts them from Olimar, allowing you to approach them for the killing blow.

A lot of Olimar players like to play defensively in the beginning, then switch to an offensive style when their opponents are at high percentages. On the contrary, I believe this only makes Olimar more predictable. Most people tend to become more aggressive and offensive when their opponents are at high percentages, no matter what character they use. This is true for most people, whether they are using Olimar or not. Therefore, if you become aggressive when your opponent is at high percentages, you are only fulfilling what your opponent has already predicted of you. I encourage you to take your time. Be consistently spacey throughout the battle. Even when you see your opponent is at 130-150%, fight the temptation of becoming aggressive and stay ironically defensive. Be opportunistic, and throw Pikmin for mind games to open up more opportunities.

To sum it up, don't jump too often - and if you do jump, DON'T double jump, and try to do more short-hops. A lot of grabbing is a good thing - keep doing it. Throw Pikmin for mind games when you want to kill your opponent.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
people actually play smash in colorado?

To sum it up, don't jump too often - and if you do jump, DON'T double jump, and try to do more short-hops. A lot of grabbing is a good thing - keep doing it. Throw Pikmin for mind games when you want to kill your opponent.

gaz, your purple wall of text hurt my eys :(

edit: the rest didnt go through...

take advantage of olimars GREAT smashes, his up-smash can kill almost anyone at 90-100%


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
UK, England
Thanks for the help, but what if i latch a few pikmin to distract them, is it best if i just use an F-smash for the range?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
people actually play smash in colorado?
Thanks for the help, but what if i latch a few pikmin to distract them, is it best if i just use an F-smash for the range?
I mainly use f-smash as mindgames, example:

-im spamming side-b throwing tons of pikmin at them, so they charge in
-keep throwing untill they get near and f-smash them away, since doing an f-smash kinda-semi-looks like throwing a pikmin with side-b

yes people I know that us olimar mainers can tell the difference, but others wont be able to tell in the craziness of pikmin being thrown all over the screen

another good f-smash use is when they are grabbing the ledge or about to hit it


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2008
Don't forget that the blue back-throw is one of your best killers. You can use it defensively, similar to how cHiCkEN TeNdErs suggests using the f-smash, the advantage of the throw being that it'll go through if they predict a smash and try to shield. Mix it up, you know? F-smash and grab both work in the same spacing, so if you occasionally use the one that makes less sense, it will surprise your opponent (who, presumably, will have been expecting the other attack).


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Prepare for a KO long before you attempt it. I like to always have a blue or purple as those net the easiest KO's ever at 120+ percents as a simple grab will kill. (U-throw with Purple, B-F throw with Blue)

Also if you can, U-smash can KO at 70% with a purple (I got my friends Pikachu with it)

Anyway smash attacks, assuming you are not using them as your main means for racking up damage can also KO at high percents.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
ahh I think I know what they mean... well a back grab would be a grab then tilting the stick behind your character, thus throwing them back ... so dash then back throw, hence running back throw? :urg:
Run in one direction, and while holding down that direction press the c-stick in the opposite direction and shield at the same time.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Thanks for the help, but what if i latch a few pikmin to distract them, is it best if i just use an F-smash for the range?
Once you distract your opponent by latching Pikmin, then it's safer to approach. You can do what you normally do - forward-airs and back-airs. You could even try dashing at them and up-smashing. The important thing is, once you've distracted them, THEN do what is necessary to land the killing blow. Don't just rush in for the killing blow the moment they are at a high percentage without thinking it out first.

As someone else mentioned, plan for the kill way before actually trying to do it.


Apr 10, 2008
i find running back grab useless unless they are falling from wutever distance(even a jump) and u run under and past them, they land or get close to landing and u grab. (Though i usually juggle or use a running up-smash my opponents if they try to pull off a non-short hopped jump on me) If used any other way you'll probably just get hit unless they suck. Don't flame me if i'm wrong, just give me a different example.
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