went to tournament
Make it to winners finals perfect record
friend makes it to winners finals perfect record
i decide to marth ditto friend on FD
friend mains marth
friend ***** me
go jigglypuff and try to camp his marth on dl for lols
friend ***** me
winners finals was bo3 so im in losers
sit at top of losers and **** all challengers
meet friend in grand finals
ready to fox his marth and give no ****s about cgs
friend goes link
i go falco bc whatever
like **** this **** it's my cp i don't give a **** i'll **** his **** with my ****
pick fox, he's still link, take him to ****ing Rainbow Cruise
what the ****
fd, link fox, lose again
what is this ****. tl;dr (putting tldr at the end cuz im gay) i'm back on smashboards because i lost to link
how i beat link why is he so good
my fox is so good
guy who beat me with link don't post
you're not wanted here
get out.
unless you write how to beat you
***s, this is a serious thread
edit what the **** happened to my postbits
Make it to winners finals perfect record
friend makes it to winners finals perfect record
i decide to marth ditto friend on FD
friend mains marth
friend ***** me
go jigglypuff and try to camp his marth on dl for lols
friend ***** me
winners finals was bo3 so im in losers
sit at top of losers and **** all challengers
meet friend in grand finals
ready to fox his marth and give no ****s about cgs
friend goes link
i go falco bc whatever
like **** this **** it's my cp i don't give a **** i'll **** his **** with my ****
pick fox, he's still link, take him to ****ing Rainbow Cruise
what the ****
fd, link fox, lose again
what is this ****. tl;dr (putting tldr at the end cuz im gay) i'm back on smashboards because i lost to link
how i beat link why is he so good
my fox is so good
guy who beat me with link don't post
you're not wanted here
get out.
unless you write how to beat you
***s, this is a serious thread
edit what the **** happened to my postbits