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I know how it sounds, but I have to get to the bottom of this...

Kabuto Mushi

Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Out of curiosity, I must ask this: Honestly, How does your typical Olimar play compare to your typical online play?

I ask for a number of reasons. I've seen some threads over in other boards, but I felt it particularly important for Olimar (at least from my perspective). I've had the game since it launched, and I've mained Olimar since it launched. In realty, I'm really just meh-level. My skill is around that of a Lvl. 9 computer, without all the stupid mistakes, as I can beat the actual computer (any character).
However, the occasions on which I've won online I can count on my fingers. The slightest amount of lag just feels like it throws my game off by so much... I wouldn't complain at all if I had my butt kicked so much in real life, lol. But I've lost to people online I know in real life and are unable to beat the same CPUs I can.
I do practice against people from school and siblings on a regular basis, and I win 80% of the time.

Any tips for fighting under lag, or should I just forget trying online and just practice? Bottomline: I wanna know if the people I'm fighting are better than me, or if it is just my connection.
Thanks for imput.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
I just dodge or run during lag because I hate lag. But people have said good smashers are worse with lag. Still, fix that blasted internet connection!

Kabuto Mushi

Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
I just dodge or run during lag because I hate lag. But people have said good smashers are worse with lag. Still, fix that blasted internet connection!
I guess I should head over to the online thread for help on that, huh? :ohwell::chuckle:


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2008
Hillsboro, OR
Although lag can affect gameplay, you should also remember that fighting computers are not a good measure of actual skill. Sure you can learn the computer's tricks, but they never change.

My suggestion... don't use online play. ^^ You get way better fighting with friends and such.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2008
Wallingford, CT
Thank you for making this thread because I had an instance to day where this Marth was juggling me to **** and I had no clue on what to do. I kept trying to out aerial him but he is a tad faster so I just air dodged. Can someone link me to a video of this Secret Armor Frame technique? I would like to learn it:D


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
lag affects me alot, i personally despise online play. it affects my timing which affects my spacing to the point where even if i do win.. its not fun. i have also lost to people or had close games with people that i should demolish.

i suggest skipping online play, and just play friends and people offline.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Oh I totally agree. The people I know who I play online with are really good, but I'm just not able to play my game when it's online. Stringing together hits and judging damage percentages is so much harder when there's a difference between the buttons you're pressing and the character's actions.


Apr 10, 2008
Can someone link me to a video of this Secret Armor Frame technique? I would like to learn it:D
lol, it's no big secret you're missing out on. I couldn't find a video b/c it's so basic, no-one needs to make a video of it. :) all you do is use the whistle. It has very little lag, and super armor frames. you do take damage though. So b/c of that, i recommend not using it, like...as nearly as much as the guide seems to suggest. I took this next quote from NC-Echo's guide:

Whistle armor: This tactic could easily be one of Olimar's most useful and its relatively easy to time. Just D-B right as your getting hit and Olimar will suffer no knockback (he will still be damaged though). The thing that makes this move often better than air-dodging is that you recover faster than you would by air-dodging so you can punish your opponent more readily punish your opponent or get back to the edge. Another thing that makes this good is that when a person hits you there is a small slow down that happens when the move connects, making it even easier for you to get off whatever move you want. I generally only use this tactic in the air but it can be useful on the ground as well because of the hit stun. Try not to spam this too much though because people will watch for it and just wait for you to D-B, than punish you. The other thing to watch out for is that sometimes, since Olimar D-B does rearrange his pikmin, you may often try to attack and then be whiff because your pikmin haven't re-synced yet. All together this move can one of Olimar's greatest assets or most easily punishable misshapes so use it carefully.

On topic:
should I just forget trying online and just practice?
yes, absolutely. Only b/c I suck online.:) Anyways, online (with lag)is no test of skill in the real world. It doesn't help you at all. It just messes you up and slows your actual gameplay down. You should only practice things worthwhile. hit a sandbag around. Practice combos on a com lvl 7 in training mode or something.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
There's a reason I started this group on another site: http://allisbrawl.com/group.aspx?id=537

Lag affects me A LOT because I space as well as possible. In offline matches, I'm trying to get the max out of his range. Online, I have to guess where they'll be 10 minutes from now, because I mostly get red and orange connections.

or you can just play King Dedede on Bridge of Eldin, and spam up b and chaingrabs...

Kabuto Mushi

Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
There's a reason I started this group on another site: http://allisbrawl.com/group.aspx?id=537

Lag affects me A LOT because I space as well as possible. In offline matches, I'm trying to get the max out of his range. Online, I have to guess where they'll be 10 minutes from now, because I mostly get red and orange connections.

or you can just play King Dedede on Bridge of Eldin, and spam up b and chaingrabs...
Yeah, I'm actually better with some other characters (Marth's fair is alot like Oli's...) online, which is what I meant in the original post when I said it pertained especially to Olimar. I didn't have the words for it then, but what I meant was how spacing and planning is important for him...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
UK, England
Explain oxymoron please.

Sometimes i actually play better with a bit of lag because you can guess what moves they are about to use and counter it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2008
Oxymoron is a statement that is contradictory in itself. Some guys would say that the expression "Military Intelligence", for example, is an oxymoron.

That is just an example...


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2008
Hillsboro, OR
*cough* Microsoft Works *cough*

Anyways, restating what I said before, go play with the real people. :lick: Your friends or maybe you can meet up with smashers at tourneys/fests.
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