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I Have A Very Weird Issue With My Hacks


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2010
From looking around, this appears to be the correct place to ask this. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

Anyway, here's my problem:

So I use texture and music hacks on ssbb. I've been using them for about a year with no problem. Then they suddenly just stopped working.

After I load the hacks through Gecko OS, they work fine for the first match. But after the match, when it goes back to the character select screen, my menu hack is gone and so is my music. Then if I play another match, it's like regular brawl (not textures or music on the stage or the characters). I've tried formatting my SD card and using other SD cards and other hacks including brawl minus, I've also re installed the Homebrew Channel, and I still get the same results. The hacks work on other Wii's, just not mine.

If anyone has any idea on how to solve this issue then please post. Thanks in advance.
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