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I get really mad playing this game (for glory) - HELP

Carlos Romero

Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2016
In some part I think it's my fault. When I play online, is a lot different to when I play offline. There are many factors that affect my online experience: sometimes the match is laggy, sometimes I simply don't play good enough, sometimes your opponent is good. The problem is that many of the matches I play when I get REALLY mad are really frustrating!! A few moments ago I just played with a man that I swear, had no social life. He just evaded every single hit I tried to connect and above all, he freaking taunted! I almost destroy my second GameCube controller!

And everytime I find a Little Mac, Bayonetta, Corrin or Cloud is surely a lost match!

Playing online already cost me a lot:
  • 1x Nintendo 3DS
  • 1x Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
  • 1x GameCube controller
  • 1x Pro Controller
I don't want to stop playing online, because most of the time is just opponent fault! Like taunting, spamming, running away, etc. There's no honor anymore! I freaking hate that.

Nintendo should at least add a ranking system or something that could match players of the same skill, because all the time I find players that still live inside mommy's basement! And no, I don't play for fun.

I probably don't like to lose, but I don't think that's the problem: when I play with my friends (in real life, not online), they destroy me even worse but I have a good time with them. I don't care if I lose or not, I just enjoy the match. But online? A completely different story. Sometimes I wish I had a mic so I can yell at my opponent with RAGE!

Anyway, can someone lend me a therapy or anyone else have the same issue? Thanks for taking time to read!

(By the way, I'VE NEVER RAGE QUIT!)
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Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2016
I know your pain, but just try to not take it too seriously. Sometimes people are better than you, try to view this as an inspiration to do better yourself, try to look at how they play and replicate it if it's effective. And also remember that FG is not completely balanced purely because completely flat stages without platforms tend to favor spammy play. And that certain characters have a harder time dealing with spammy play than others.

If people play too hard of a keep-away game, try to predict that and punish it. Alternatively, if they refuse to approach, don't approach yourself. It's boring but they'll see how it is.

Oh yeah, and a generally good approach against spammy players is to just get used to walking instead of dashing so you can perfect shield stuff and spot dodge before punishing. This gets harder to do if there is lag naturally but that's just when you accept that it's not your fault, and SD because it's not gonna be a fun match anyway. Hope for better opponents next time.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
Ask for matches at these threads, whichever system you play on.

3ds: http://smashboards.com/threads/the-...-opponents-here.340319/page-524#post-21004698
WiiU: http://smashboards.com/threads/the-...-opponents-here.356271/page-261#post-21023853

People on this website are much more respectful than the kids on For Glory. It's pretty much the cool new thing on For Glory to belittle your opponent as much as possible. It isn't worth the stress if it makes you feel that bad about it.

If you still want to continue playing For Glory, my best advice to you is if you are fighting someone extremely disrespectful you should just leave and not waste your time and energy on someone that is hiding behind a screen and just wants to get a negative reaction out of you. Don't add fuel to the fire.
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Carlos Romero

Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2016
Thank you for your replies guys! You make me feel a lot better.

I've talked about this with my friends and most of them don't even bother to play online. I think I'll play online (at least in FG) not that often anymore, first because of my rage problems (it only happens me in this game) and secondly because of the stress it causes me.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2015
Auburn, AL
I think a website you would like would be Anther's Ladder. The few times I've done online play it was so much better than FG.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
You've probably seem people call For Glory a piece of garbage before. It's not because they're salty about the mode, it legit is nothing more than a time sinker. It proves absolutely jack squat about you and your abilities, the connections are terrible (even if they were near perfect they wouldn't be ideal. LAN lag is 5ms and that's almost a frame, and having a frame more of lag changes everything) and the people who play it are even worse.
You really shouldn't take that thing seriously. Go to Anther's Ladder and thank us later.


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
Well, judging by your words and the way you're describing your opponents, perhaps it might be helpful to not assume the worst of your opponent so much? People who run away from you are not (usually) doing it just to aggravate you, they do it because it's a powerful defensive option against impatient folk who insist on charging in despite playing a character that isn't suited for that. People who constantly shoot projectiles (in a SMART manner) are similarly doing it because forcing you to evade attacks is frequently those characters' main way of poking at your defenses to expose an opening. People who are better than you are not no-life social rejects just because they beat you, just as you are no worse a person for losing to them.

Getting "rekt" playing with friends, you're probably fine with because you know each other and know it's all in good fun. So why assume the worst about someone online, just because you can't see their face? And if they are indeed just trying to get a rise out of you, then do as they said above and just leave instead of wasting your energy on them.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
In some part I think it's my fault. When I play online, is a lot different to when I play offline. There are many factors that affect my online experience: sometimes the match is laggy, sometimes I simply don't play good enough, sometimes your opponent is good. The problem is that many of the matches I play when I get REALLY mad are really frustrating!! A few moments ago I just played with a man that I swear, had no social life. He just evaded every single hit I tried to connect and above all, he freaking taunted! I almost destroy my second GameCube controller!

And everytime I find a Little Mac, Bayonetta, Corrin or Cloud is surely a lost match!

Playing online already cost me a lot:
  • 1x Nintendo 3DS
  • 1x Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
  • 1x GameCube controller
  • 1x Pro Controller
I don't want to stop playing online, because most of the time is just opponent fault! Like taunting, spamming, running away, etc. There's no honor anymore! I freaking hate that.

Nintendo should at least add a ranking system or something that could match players of the same skill, because all the time I find players that still live inside mommy's basement! And no, I don't play for fun.

I probably don't like to lose, but I don't think that's the problem: when I play with my friends (in real life, not online), they destroy me even worse but I have a good time with them. I don't care if I lose or not, I just enjoy the match. But online? A completely different story. Sometimes I wish I had a mic so I can yell at my opponent with RAGE!

Anyway, can someone lend me a therapy or anyone else have the same issue? Thanks for taking time to read!

(By the way, I'VE NEVER RAGE QUIT!)
I feel your pain, and offer my response as a token of emotional support.

With technology today, I think it can be agreed there's no excuse of laggy performance, and even then so, its not necessarily your connection, unless you have ahem, Comcast

Kidding aside, I have fought on Smash since Melee, when I first heard of it. For the longest time, I used Yoshi, who seemed to be fairly effective in terms of performance in Melee, his counterpart lacked in Brawl ever so slightly, and despite a improvement in aerodynamics, Yoshi just doesn't cut it when it comes to recovery in Smash 4, so in Brawl I switched to Fox, whom I must say in my experience, has a much better recovery.

However, that transition hasn't been so smooth. Despite taking Fox up around Brawl's inception, I still struggle with the canine, and yes it irritates me. No one likes to lose, that's a fact derived from human nature. And let's face it, if we're not one to house skeletons in our closet, we all rage quit in one way or another, either yelling at the TV, swearing, disconnect during a match, or a combination of such. It would be great to be able to vent at our opponents, I agree, but more than likely we would be creating more enemies out of random strangers around the world. But yeah, do I wish that mic did exist....

I'm mainly responding to say yeah, I've been-well, I am there. Maybe its because I'm not as active as someone who plays Smash 24/7, maybe its because I picked one of the most difficult characters out of the entire roster to main (Fox), maybe its because I'm not a natural of analyzing and reading moves, which is imperative to the nature of this game. But then again, I didn't know Smash HAD a scene until I got Smash 4.

Just practice, smack the living daylights out of that sandbag, and get some pointers here. You will be told to save your replays, and see where you made your mistakes during the training session, and at first, you will cringe, and want to delete that replay, god forbid share it on YouTube or Miiverse. But you can't begin to rectify your poor performance until you see where you choke to a T.
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