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I Feel Stupid in For glory


Smash Rookie
Oct 18, 2015
I recently played a match against a salty peach and he used easy to avoid tactics
For example
Turnip to Forward air
Always threw turnit when pluging them.
Down smash at edge.
He won 4/5
Thia ia not first time it happened, in fact, everytime i get to for glory i feel stupid and pitiable.
Each time i confront a For Glory Link/TL i feel nervous since i had bad experiences with those players.
And each time they win i feel like worthless player.
The fact that i have a reputation of a good player in tournaments make it even worst.
I have beaten Players that i admire, i know tech, power shield, wall jump, catch items, the works. Losing to bad players makes me devalues the times i win.
I know that i sound egotistical in my last paragraph, but i think is important to put all of the details.
So...should i care about these losses?
Am i a bad player for all this?
Should i even care about for glory?
Should i quit for glory and only go to tourmanets?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Don't feel bad, There are more embarrassing losses out there.

I once had a match where I did nothing but spam smash attacks from one side of the stage to the other in a consistent pattern with Ryu....Usmash, Fsmash, Dsmash, repeat, USmash, Fsmash, Dsmash. I never moved. I literally just stood on one side of the stage and traveled to my opponent on the other side of the stage by smash attacking. He understood I wasn't taking him seriously at all with my easy to read attacks. Somehow I managed to beat him without even trying, and needless to say he rage quitted out of embarrassment before the match was about to end.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I don't know what to say. Sounds like you have an inflated ego, if anything. "I have a reputation of a good player in tournaments" then go play in tournaments.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
You need to be prepared to lose and accept defeat if you attempt to play Online.

That should be something anyone and everyone should follow for just about any game really, not just Smash. You're going to face a wide variety of opponents online and no matter what you're going to face an opponent better than you. It's just that simple to be honest.

And no, you are not a bad player for losing or even caring about it. It happens to the best of us, but if you focus solely on trying to win all the time you'll lose your true focus, which is or rather should be to just have fun. You can be competitive and try to win. I'm not saying that is a bad thing; however when you let that sort of mindset take over you begin to lose your enjoyment of the game. If you start actively caring about winning and when you don't, you basically give that loss more power than it should have over you.

Do what you will, but remember losing is part of the Gaming experience. You have to learn to accept it when it happens.
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