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I am teh noob


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2007
I just joined ur forums and started browsing, found the Compendium easy enough, found the Falco guide (obviously), and realized that I am nowhere NEAR as good as I thought I was. What is a good technique to master first? I can SH most of the time, SHL is easy enough, I sometimes shoot the laser at the peak instead of at the end. What am I doing wrong there? I have trouble teching, cause I dont know the timing. Sometimes I press R or L 3 secs before and it techs, sometimes 1/2 sec before and it doesnt. Any tips on timing and/or direction of tilt on impact? I also have problems wavedashing, I cant seem to get the timing right. I either just shield, or jump and dont slide, and I dont slide very far. Cant seem to get the right tilt. Is it Down to the Right/Left, or is it more down, or more left/right? That's all I can think of right now. Any tips in general will be very appreciated. I will try to record me fighting my friend ASAP.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
ummm for wavedashing move the control stick to the bottom rite so your character isnt moving...
now just practice the L R timing...
takes some time but ull get there...

shl_ all u have to do is short hop tap b as fast as you can and fast fall...
u will have to learn the timing but its pretty simple....

and the techniques u should learn first are probly just the shl...
that way u can get used to sorta shffling around without having to l cancel anything...

but once you get that practice shffld dairs to shine, then learn to wavedash out of them....

learn double shine (shine jc shine)...
its a long journey and its one that your gonna have to walk through al0one... unless u go to technomancers school...

umm i hope i helped but its all about practice...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2007
I'm a noob myself, but I can still answer some questions.

In my opinion, I think you should learn the other variations of SHL, Wavedash, as well as SHFFL.

About the SHL shooting high and low, I learned that you need to actually shoot your laser LATER to get a lower shot. If you do it too late though, you'll only pull out your gun and not shoot at all. So pressing B earlier after you short hop = higher laser. Later = lower.

And then the teching, I thought that the timing was to press L/R right when you hit the ground, but I find that it needs to be pressed a little earlier than that. It feels strange to me, because it seems too early, but I don't know, it works better that way. I think one of the 3 videos of the advanced tutorial on YouTube covered this and showed the right timings.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2007
lapeer, mi
yea man, i remember having to learn all of this from text and not people. its tough without friends who already know these techs but its also pretty cool to hear them say "wtf, whats all this sliding? and why do you move so fast???"

as for shl, the fastest possible way to do this is to ff at the exact peak, so all you have to work in is the laser at the appropriate time. if it goes above their head, laser was too early. if the laser doesnt come out, too late. i completely agree with the captain that this is a good place to start getting used to the sh ff motion and when the peak exactly is without worrying about L/R. if he doesnt fastfall at all, you hit down to early(before the peak).

teching has a 20 frame period of time (1/3 sec) that l/r can be pushed (i think its 20 frames...) anyway, the most likely reason that its not coming out sometimes is that when you press l or r there is a 60 frame period where you cannot tech. so if you hit it too early, and then hit it again at the right time, it might not come out for that reason. if you hit l/r for something else, like a shield or l cancel, the rule still applies, but 60 frames is only a second so its not a serious problem. just try not to get anxious and mash it. as for tilt, ground tech you have 3 options: tech in standing position (down or no tilt), roll to left (left tilt) and roll to right (right tilt). wall or ledge tech you have two options: tech and fall (no tilt) or tech and walljump (up tilt)

finally, with wavedashing, you want to aim at dodging right as you leave the ground. falco has 6 frames of lag on his jump (i think), so thats 1/10 of a second difference between the hitting of jump and L/R. if you slow it in training mode, you can kinda see him squat down before he jumps. dodge in this time, and he does nothing. basically, if you jump and do nothing, you hit l/r too early. if you jump and dodge, l/r too late. tilt effects angle, so straight down tilt will wd you in a standing position. you can tilt any direction between down and completely horizontal (this will cause you to airdodge straight along the ground). in other words, tilt more down, move less distance. tilt more to the side and move more. a "perfect" wd is as close to horizontal as possible while still having a slight down tilt, netting you maximum distance.

sorry for the book. hope something helps you out.


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2007
thats really good info. I had all that in bits and pieces, never quite put it together like that, if you know what I mean. And if teching has a 60 frame after being hit that it doesnt work, then how do people tech out of grabs like Falco's D-Throw? Or is it 60 frames before hitting ground? Either way, it shouldnt work. Just some clarification on tech times. But other than that, I just need to practice. Sucks that I have no friends that are able to come over often enough to practice. Comp's are too easy, so I tend not to use adv. techniques.

EDIT: Never mind, I understood it after reading again. 60 seconds between L/R presses is what you mean, correct?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2007
Yeah you got it. By having 60 frame delays until you can press L/R to tech again, it prevents button smashing from being effective and forces one to get it on one good press.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2007
lapeer, mi
exactly. mashing l or r is the best way to ensure you dont tech.

and just to add, the time is the same in all situations. to edge tech, or tech immediately after getting hit, you have to hit l/r before you actually get hit. in other words, hitting l or r at any time set up a tech to happen in a certain number of frames. obviously, it also blocks, air dodges, etc. but if you press it during a move or lag when it wont preform an action, then you can set up techs before you get hit, which is basically edgeteching (with added SDI so you hit the edge)


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
exactly. mashing l or r is the best way to ensure you dont tech.

and just to add, the time is the same in all situations. to edge tech, or tech immediately after getting hit, you have to hit l/r before you actually get hit. in other words, hitting l or r at any time set up a tech to happen in a certain number of frames. obviously, it also blocks, air dodges, etc. but if you press it during a move or lag when it wont preform an action, then you can set up techs before you get hit, which is basically edgeteching (with added SDI so you hit the edge)
im pretty sure i dont understand what your talking about...
i dont think ive ever teched before ive got hit... and i tech all the time, wall or no wall....
so what are you sayin that you have to tech befor eyou get hit or befor you hit the object you wanna tech on... i dont think you have to tech before you get hit...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2007
lapeer, mi
not tech before you get hit, but hit l/r before you get hit if the tech is to be immediately following the hit, such as in the case of edgetech.


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2007
or throw teching. When there is no time to tech between the hit and when you hit the ground. I understood perfectly :p
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