Might as well do one of these...
Hello everyone! My name is Moydow, and I'm from the middle of nowhere on a lump of rock in the north Atlantic (otherwise known as the Irish midlands). I've been playing Smash since Melee, and have mained Marth for as long as I can remember (aside from a few brief dalliances with Captain Falcon). Never played any competitive games though, given how competitive Smash in Ireland is practically non-existent. Pretty much no-one else where I live would even know what Smash is, so the only half-decent matches I get are against the Project M AI (better than either of Brawl or Melee's AI, but still AI, so I can only do so much with it). Outside of Smash, I'm a pretty big Fire Emblem fan - I've played every game in the series, even the Japan-only ones. I was also pretty big into F-Zero GX, but haven't played that in ages.
Elsewhere on the Internet, I'm the current Coordinator of the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance (NIWA), which has the SmashWiki as one of its members. I'm also one of the main server admins at Grifkuba Gaming Services, which runs a couple of NIWA wikis such as Fire Emblem Wiki and WiKirby.
Currently I'm studying information technology at university, about to start my final year. Meaning that when I go home, I'm pretty much the only computer-literate person within a 10-mile radius ("Have you tried turning it off and on again?" indeed. I should just answer the phone with that). I like music
mostly rock, no post-1980s pop. My favourite artist is David Bowie (except his 80s slump). I can speak four languages - German and Irish at a fairly decent level, some French, and then there's English. 
Well, that's about all I can think of. Nice to meet everyone here! :D
Deas bualadh libh,
~ Moydow
Hello everyone! My name is Moydow, and I'm from the middle of nowhere on a lump of rock in the north Atlantic (otherwise known as the Irish midlands). I've been playing Smash since Melee, and have mained Marth for as long as I can remember (aside from a few brief dalliances with Captain Falcon). Never played any competitive games though, given how competitive Smash in Ireland is practically non-existent. Pretty much no-one else where I live would even know what Smash is, so the only half-decent matches I get are against the Project M AI (better than either of Brawl or Melee's AI, but still AI, so I can only do so much with it). Outside of Smash, I'm a pretty big Fire Emblem fan - I've played every game in the series, even the Japan-only ones. I was also pretty big into F-Zero GX, but haven't played that in ages.
Elsewhere on the Internet, I'm the current Coordinator of the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance (NIWA), which has the SmashWiki as one of its members. I'm also one of the main server admins at Grifkuba Gaming Services, which runs a couple of NIWA wikis such as Fire Emblem Wiki and WiKirby.
Currently I'm studying information technology at university, about to start my final year. Meaning that when I go home, I'm pretty much the only computer-literate person within a 10-mile radius ("Have you tried turning it off and on again?" indeed. I should just answer the phone with that). I like music

Well, that's about all I can think of. Nice to meet everyone here! :D
Deas bualadh libh,
~ Moydow