Smash Apprentice
I've tried many ways to burn a iso
I got different sizes (some compresses some not)
either way I can't ever look at the content inside brawl
I want to extract the common5_en and check other files
reason I'm asking is because some textures I never found
Q. what files have the textures in them, is that just common5_en or are there other like common4 or so on
Q. Also on selection screen, the names over the portraits, can they be removed since they have a transparency
Q. The names over the selection icon, can those be taken out, the image there is black and white (no transparency) so I doubt it but worth asking
Q. Pokemon trainer, has there been a code release so you don't get the option to select what pokemon to use, I've made each pokemon including the trainer a separate picture so this would be appreciated.
Q. What are the specific requirements for a character selection portrait, fighting portrait, icon, stock icon (I made a shadow portrait but it never worked no matter what I did)
I got different sizes (some compresses some not)
either way I can't ever look at the content inside brawl
I want to extract the common5_en and check other files
reason I'm asking is because some textures I never found
Q. what files have the textures in them, is that just common5_en or are there other like common4 or so on
Q. Also on selection screen, the names over the portraits, can they be removed since they have a transparency
Q. The names over the selection icon, can those be taken out, the image there is black and white (no transparency) so I doubt it but worth asking
Q. Pokemon trainer, has there been a code release so you don't get the option to select what pokemon to use, I've made each pokemon including the trainer a separate picture so this would be appreciated.
Q. What are the specific requirements for a character selection portrait, fighting portrait, icon, stock icon (I made a shadow portrait but it never worked no matter what I did)