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How to setup regional matchmaking for Smash 4 (Warning: Technical)


Smash Rookie
Aug 8, 2015
What I did was: I used my pfSense router and downloaded the package pfBlocekrNG to block non-American IP addresses only for the Wii U. This lets me play against people only in America or whatever country I chose.

Background(You can skip this)

There is currently no regioning in Smash 4, but it’s possible to force regioning manually. The reason this works is because the game is p2p, so when Nintendo’s server hands you the other player’s IP address, pfSense will actively drop it. The package pfBlockerNG has a list of all the IP ranges by country, so if their IP address is not in your country, you will not be able to connect to them. When this happens you will just get a message saying “Could not connect to the partners device”. If you are already in a For Glory 1v1 lobby with nobody else yet connected, then you will not experience any error messages. Instead people outside your country will get that message, so it’s seamless for you. It works very well using it in America for me.
Requirements (Start reading again):

You will need:

A spare computer with two Ethernet ports. If the computer does not have two Ethernet ports, then you can buy a pci network card on amazon for $10.

Another router or Ethernet switch. You already have one if you have more than one device plugged in. You will set your router to “access point” mode after pfSense is setup. I will explain how to do this.

A USB thumbdrive equal to or larger than 2 gigabytes.
pfSense intro:

I will try to keep this brief. After you install pfSense, that computer you have is now your router. pfSense is extremely powerful, you get a lot from using it such as: traffic shaping(prioritizing gaming traffic), extensive vlan support, WAN failover, powerful routing options, a VPN server or client with specific controls, and much more. The best thing is pfSense is easy to setup and use, it just also happens to be extremely versatile.

There are two versions of pfSense you can use. The normal installer requires a cd drive and will install to a hard drive, and then the nanobsd version. I recommend using the nanobsd version because you install it to a USB thumb drive and because it is much more resistant to power failures. The nanobsd version locks the file system while it’s operational, so if you pull the plug you won’t get any data loss.

I will be using the nanobsd version.

If you have a combo modem/router, then stop right here. This tutorial is not made for you. You can make it work by disabling the routing portion of the combo unit and disabling wireless. This will make it act like a normal modem. You will need to buy a wireless access point/another router if you want wireless.

The top of this image shows how your network setup probably looks like. The part below shows where you should place pfSense. It is placed after your modem, and before your current router/switch.

For installation, you will take out your current router and plug your laptop/pc directly into pfsense. We will put your current router back in after the install is done. Make sure you powercycle your modem whenever you swap devices connected to it!

pfSense install:

If your computer is made after 2004, it will most likely support the 64 bit version. If the computer you are using is older than that, pick the 32 bit version. If you pick the 64 bit version and your computer is only 32 bit, then it will tell you when you try to boot up pfSense.

You can download pfSense at this page: https://www.pfsense.org/download/mirror.php?section=downloads

These are the settings I will be using:

Make sure you pick VGA, as if you pick serial you will not get any display output.

Next is to write pfSense to a USB thumb drive.

Download Win32 Disk Imager from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/


Click write and it will write the image to your usb drive. This will take a while


Now you are ready to install pfSense.

Plug the USB in your computer, and set your BIOS to boot from USB.

For the purpose of this tutorial I will be using virtualbox instead of a real machine since I already have pfSense on a physical machine.

1. Start by unplugging all Ethernet cables to pfSense.

2. Turn the system on and boot from USB.

3. It should ask you to assign interfaces, if it does not press 1 at this screen:

You should be at this screen, take note of your interfaces. If you have an intel card, they will be listed as em0 and em1. Realtek cards are re0 and re1.

4. Type ‘n’ at this screen, as we do not want to set up vlans.

5. At this screen below type ‘a’ and hit enter.

6. Now plug in your Ethernet cable for your WAN interface. (WAN is the one where you plug your modem into)
Since I am using virtualbox for this, auto detection will not work, so I will type it manually as em0. You do not have to do this.

Now do the same thing for the LAN interface.

8. Type ‘a’ at the LAN interface prompt and hit enter.

9. Then plug the cable to your laptop/computer.

10.Now on the prompt for any opt interfaces hit N and then hit Y to proceed.

By default pfsense sets your LAN interface to

However since I’m a virtual machine I will be setting my Lan interface to This is to avoid networking conflicts for me. You do not have to do this and I recommend leaving the default

Now you should be on the main menu again with an IP address for your WAN and LAN address. Your WAN address should be something like It should be not a local address like it is for me. Your LAN address should be

Now on your laptop you should have internet access. If for some reason you don’t, restart your modem.

Congratulations pfSense is now installed, now we can reconfigure your network so it looks like this:

Disconnect your laptop from pfSense and connect it back to your old router on any of the LAN ports.

Connect to in your web browser.

Now login, if you don’t know the username and password it depends on the model.

It is usually a combination of admin/password.


Username: admin

Password: admin

Username: admin

Password: password

If that does not work, google for your router’s default username and password. If the default password still does not work, then get a paper clip and hold the reset button down on your router for 30 seconds. This will reset it to factory defaults. You will lose your wifi configuration when you do this.

Next once you’re logged in, look for anything that says wireless access point mode. This will make your life a bit easier. On my r6250, it looks like this:

You have to set a manual static IP for the access point. I chose

You can chose any IP between – inclusively.

This is how you will now access your router. It is no longer doing any routing, so from now on I will call it an access point. You can still plug in other devices in the spare LAN ports and it will act as a normal Ethernet hub/switch. Take note of the picture, the picture is wrong, make sure you plug pfSense into the LAN port, NOT THE WAN PORT.

If your router does not have an access point, that’s alright

I also have a wndr3400 and Linksys ea2700 plugged in which do not have an access point mode. This house is fairly large so I need multiple APs.

For the Linksys ea2700:

I logged into it and changed the connection type to bridge mode and entered the IP settings manually just like the r6250. On whatever router you are using make sure you disable DHCP. Setting the ea2700 to bridge mode automatically disables DHCP.

For my wndr3400 it’s a similar story.

I logged into the router and clicked on the ‘LAN Setup’ tab.

And put the following settings. Make sure to keep RIP on, it can help avoid routing issues.

If all went well, your router is no longer doing any routing, it is a full access point. Make sure you remember the IP address you assigned to it.

Now plug pfSense’s LAN port to your access point’s LAN port. DO NOT CONNECT IT TO THE WAN PORT ON THE ACCESS POINT.

Now you should be able to access pfSense at with everything connected. You should be able to access pfSense wirelessly from your access point and through the spare LAN ports on your access point.

Great, now that all the hardware is out of the way, it’s time to configure pfSense.

Enter the username: admin

Password: pfsense

I am not going to give a full rundown of pfSense as there are a lot of tutorials for that. Instead I will just focus on getting pfBlockerNG working.

Now the basic general setup tool will run,
I entered and for the DNS servers, these are google’s. I believe if you leave the fields empty, it will use your default ISP provided DNS servers.

On the Configure WAN Interface page, leave everything to defaults and hit next.

Leave everything to the defaults on the LAN interface page as well.

Then finally set your password for pfSense.

Now back at the main page go to System > Packages

Click on available packages and select pfBlockerNG and click on the + button to add it. It will take a moment to install

Then navigate to Firewall > pfBlockerNG

Make sure select the same interfaces as I have below. Ignore the fact that I have interface OPT1 and OPT2. Make sure on Inbound Firewall Rules: You have WAN selected. And for Outbound Firewall rules you have LAN selected.

Now click the IPV4 tab at the top. Hit + to create a new Alias.

If you live in America, enter the exact settings I have.

Under the URL field place put:


Make sure List Action is set to Alias Permit

Make sure all your settings are identical.

If you do not live in the US:

Use one of the many following country codes.

Of note:

EU_v4.txt (Europe)

CA_v4.txt (Canada)

So in the field above you would put: /usr/pbi/pfblockerng-amd64/share/GeoIP/EU_v4.txt

Or for Canada /usr/pbi/pfblockerng-amd64/share/GeoIP/CA_v4.txt

If you are Canadian and do not mind playing with Americans and Canadians, then you would create another alias for Canada and enter the same exact settings exact put CA_v4.txt

A list of all the country codes are found here http://pastebin.com/WkxQ85N9

Now we also have to add Japan. The reason is because Nintendo’s matchmaking servers are in Japan. I was running a network sniffer earlier with Ettercap and even the buggy tool cain and abel, but there were 30+ ip addresses that you needed to add and I was getting annoyed. If enough people want me to find all the specific Japan servers, I will do it. For now, you will also be paired with Japanese players because of this. The good thing is, most Japanese players already leave immediately if they see a foreign name, so it’s not a huge deal.

Go back to the IPv4 page and hit the + button again.

Everything is the same as the previous page, but instead enter


Hit save like last time.
This is what the ipV4 page should look like now, make sure to hit Save again.

Go to the update tab at the top. Click on Force Update

Now go to Firewall > PfBlockerNG and check Enable for pfBlockerNG

This is where we specify the Wii U. We first need to set a Static IP address on the Wii U. This is done on the Wii U itself

This is fairly simple, just read on it here http://en-americas-support.nintendo...1/~/how-to-manually-enter-ip-address-settings

For me I used for my Wii u’s ip address, with a subnet mask of and a gateway IP of
For DNS I used and

Now go to Firewall > Rules > LAN

We will make 3 rules. Hit the + button here

Set the Protocol to Any

Source: (That’s my wii u)

Destination I put pfB_America

You must put the pfB suffix first like I did here.

You do not have enter the gateway like I did, but it does not hurt.

Now hit save and we will do the same thing for the Japan one.

Now we need to block everything that is not part of these two.

Create a new rule
Protocol should be any like before, the source should be and the destination should be any, and at the top you must select REJECT.

Now this rule must be placed UNDERNEADTH the Japan and American rules. Otherwise you won’t get any internet access. Rules are read from top to bottom.

To move the rule, checkbox on the left of the latest rule(not american) and use the hand button on the side to move them around.

Now hit Apply changes.

Go to your Wii U and see if you can access a website like bing.com you should be able to. Then try http://ebuyer.co.uk/

That link should NOT work in the web browser.

That’s it, enjoy pfSense and a better online experience. I recommend you take a look at pfSense’s traffic shaper with codel. I will not be going into that in this tutorial though.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 8, 2015
I'll continue to revise this a bit, and try to shorten it down. It looks a lot longer than it really is because of the long pictures.
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