Smash Ace
Stop what you're doin' cause I'm about to ruin
the image and the style that you're used to.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, can enforce bad gameplay habits better than For Glory mode. Why? There are loads of reasons but the most obvious is the whole only Omega stages deal. Oftentimes, I found people who would think that one Samus main standing on at the edge with an infinite wave of projectiles is unstoppable, or how annoying those roll-spammers are, or whatever it may be.
What is the solution to this?
THIS is the solution.
Essentially, it's a ranking system for Smash. This is where you have real matches. And you only get good by getting wrecked. If For Glory isn't your forte, then this is what I recommend. After getting good over there, you start to realize how to read people, be opportunistic, play proper defense, etc. Roll spamming annoying? After a while, rolls become a dream come true.
And this place is tourney style matches, with counterpicks and banning stages and whatnot.
That's pretty much all there is to it. I also really love the character diversity there. You never really understand how much potential some characters actually have until you get JV 3 stocked by a Bowser main. But that's just my advice.
the image and the style that you're used to.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, can enforce bad gameplay habits better than For Glory mode. Why? There are loads of reasons but the most obvious is the whole only Omega stages deal. Oftentimes, I found people who would think that one Samus main standing on at the edge with an infinite wave of projectiles is unstoppable, or how annoying those roll-spammers are, or whatever it may be.
What is the solution to this?
THIS is the solution.
Essentially, it's a ranking system for Smash. This is where you have real matches. And you only get good by getting wrecked. If For Glory isn't your forte, then this is what I recommend. After getting good over there, you start to realize how to read people, be opportunistic, play proper defense, etc. Roll spamming annoying? After a while, rolls become a dream come true.
And this place is tourney style matches, with counterpicks and banning stages and whatnot.
That's pretty much all there is to it. I also really love the character diversity there. You never really understand how much potential some characters actually have until you get JV 3 stocked by a Bowser main. But that's just my advice.