Smash Rookie
I really want to verse other people in Australia so that there is less lag. Does anyone know how I should go about this? None of my friends own a Wii U so that's out of the question. I've been trying to find Australian forums where people post their NNID but I'm really having trouble finding anything. I'm moreta39 if anyone wants to add me.
I'm also curious if playing people in your own country makes a noticeable difference with lag. Can somebody please clarify this for me? Thanks.
I wish you could easily view the opponent's country when you play them so that you can later add them as a friend if they are from your country. The only way I know how to do this is to go into the friends app and view recently played matchups, then go to their miiverse profile, which would take ages to do for everyone.
I'm also curious if playing people in your own country makes a noticeable difference with lag. Can somebody please clarify this for me? Thanks.
I wish you could easily view the opponent's country when you play them so that you can later add them as a friend if they are from your country. The only way I know how to do this is to go into the friends app and view recently played matchups, then go to their miiverse profile, which would take ages to do for everyone.
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