I was playing some friendlies with a sheik today and he got in the lead then started camping side b. He was really good at controlling it and was able to keep it out at full range, which is farther than any of marth's attacks, and he could whip it back and forth fast enough that there was no opening to dash in and punish. He also was very patient and willing to just time me out if I didn't approach. I tried jumping in with ff aerials, but the chain beat them. I tried double jumping/using platforms to get over sheik and come down on the other side, but that gave him enough to pull in the chain, turn around, and do it again. I tried dashing into it, shielding, and using shield DI to get in, but I got shield poked before I got close enough to sheik to do anything. The only way I was able to get in at all was just running in, eating a bunch of damage, and trying to smash DI the chain inwards then grabbing once I'm close enough. But I took a lot of damage this way and I couldn't even get the grab 100% consistent because sometimes I would get hit out of startup or something. And even if I do get the grab, I'd rather not have to take all that damage if I'm already down a stock.