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How to counter ROB and Diddy


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2008
I played in the OBC's Main Event 2 yesterday and the only people who beat me where using ROB and Diddy. I might have to play them again to day in the bracket, which only has 8 people in it.

With ROB he kept on spamming his Dsmash on Yoshi's Island. Do you guys have ideas on how to counter this. I'm planing picking Smashville to play on.

With Diddy he really didn't spam anything.

Any helpful info would be apppriciated.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Rob is a really tough match up. His spot dodge to downsmash is almost instant so anything you miss can be punished fairly easily. Just hang back, spam lasers, reflect his lasers and gyros and make him approach you.
For diddy, i wouldnt really know what to tell you, Ive never encountered a skilled diddy player. Your aerials should outpriotitize most of his so just poke with bairs and try and hit some SHnair reflector downsmashes, thats how i would play it anyway


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Caracas, Venezuela
my best friend plays diddy as a second... i am wolf as a second, so, i quite got you some tips...

- if you spike well... i know its provocative to spike... but bair diddy off stage
- spam lasers, reflect his bananas and if he throws bannanas grab em while runnin
- use your forward smash to gain space
- he gets too near you either down smash, any tilt or grab> downthrow> forward smash
- play him on the ground, eventhough wolf has good aerials, maybe better than diddys, diddy's jumps are brutal

now vs rob...
- fsmash to space
- shieldgrab his d smash (try shield grabbing with a (R/L+A)rather than z, its faster and more instinctive)
- use downb to mindgame... near and far from him... dont forget it works as a counter since it has a few invincible frames and also reflects
- your down smash is brutal, try using it at best times
- spike him as if you were paid to, be extremely careful with his nair, its got a huge hitbox, huge range and huge power, its a bit slow though

hope this helps


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2008
Thanks guys! I'll remeber this while facing them in the ellimination bracket today.
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