Smokin' Hot~
Hey everyone, I've been reading through some very old threads, and it raise up some thoughts that I really want to discuss with you all. I have 8 points I'd like to discuss with you all, hoping to have a good discussion here.
1. People will be saturated with smash. Think of how many big name tournaments we have that everyone knows about, the numbers are staggering, not to mention the incredible number of smashfests that will pop up when the game comes out. (Brawl used to have stuff in places EVERY weekend and even in some places EVERY DAY O_O ) What do we do so people don't get too much smash and get sick of it never to come back?
2. People are going to get tired of losing to the same people. Let's face it, we'll have lots of new players eager to come in and prove themselves coming up against our greatest pros who are going to wipe the floor with them and wee'll see the same names topping tournaments everywhere. Why are people going to travel when they know AT BEST they might get something like 5th (which generally means no money). What do we do to try and keep and mentor those players to keep our scene strong?
3. Misinformation was and still is rampant for Smash. People not knowing things about stages or characters or spreading information that isn't true about various things to the point people believe it without question EVEN THOUGH IT ISN'T TRUE is still happening with things TO THIS DAY. We're going to have a brand new smash where tons of things will be moving around and for a while it's true that things will be fuzzy, but how do we combat this to make sure tons of wrong information isn't spread?
4. Tournaments take FOREVER. How can we try to speed up the process so people don't quit just because they don't want to stay up past midnight and go to work the next day because they entered a smash event?
5. How can we as a community outreach and advertise to reach potential players outside of our community better then we have in the past (as previously we've done so kinda poorly)?
6. How do we improve how we look to people outside of the FGC? How can we project what an awesome group we are and look respectable so we can attract more attention, more sponsors, and more players and fans?
7. How can we have more transparency at times? Tons of people look to backrooms to learn about matchups, tier lists, recommended rulesets, and a bunch more while others have these feelings like they are a "Smash Illuminati" and have no trust in them at all. How can we make it so people can feel more comfortable with the groups so the things they say and do hold more respect and can have people trust in what they say?
8. How are we going to form the Wii U and 3DS backrooms? Where do we start and how do we start?
Those 8 things I want to discuss as they can severely affect the possibilities for our future success. What do you all think?
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1. People will be saturated with smash. Think of how many big name tournaments we have that everyone knows about, the numbers are staggering, not to mention the incredible number of smashfests that will pop up when the game comes out. (Brawl used to have stuff in places EVERY weekend and even in some places EVERY DAY O_O ) What do we do so people don't get too much smash and get sick of it never to come back?
2. People are going to get tired of losing to the same people. Let's face it, we'll have lots of new players eager to come in and prove themselves coming up against our greatest pros who are going to wipe the floor with them and wee'll see the same names topping tournaments everywhere. Why are people going to travel when they know AT BEST they might get something like 5th (which generally means no money). What do we do to try and keep and mentor those players to keep our scene strong?
3. Misinformation was and still is rampant for Smash. People not knowing things about stages or characters or spreading information that isn't true about various things to the point people believe it without question EVEN THOUGH IT ISN'T TRUE is still happening with things TO THIS DAY. We're going to have a brand new smash where tons of things will be moving around and for a while it's true that things will be fuzzy, but how do we combat this to make sure tons of wrong information isn't spread?
4. Tournaments take FOREVER. How can we try to speed up the process so people don't quit just because they don't want to stay up past midnight and go to work the next day because they entered a smash event?
5. How can we as a community outreach and advertise to reach potential players outside of our community better then we have in the past (as previously we've done so kinda poorly)?
6. How do we improve how we look to people outside of the FGC? How can we project what an awesome group we are and look respectable so we can attract more attention, more sponsors, and more players and fans?
7. How can we have more transparency at times? Tons of people look to backrooms to learn about matchups, tier lists, recommended rulesets, and a bunch more while others have these feelings like they are a "Smash Illuminati" and have no trust in them at all. How can we make it so people can feel more comfortable with the groups so the things they say and do hold more respect and can have people trust in what they say?
8. How are we going to form the Wii U and 3DS backrooms? Where do we start and how do we start?
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Those 8 things I want to discuss as they can severely affect the possibilities for our future success. What do you all think?