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how to beat marth and metaknight?


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
these guys by far are kirby's worst matchups....the swords juz ****

timmy or whoever else give me some insight.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2006
Umm, good luck?

I like to inhale sometimes at random against Meta to just keep him a little off balance. But overall Meta has attack speed the can let him turtle around the whole match, you can't approach Marth or you'll die, and he'll **** your defensive game either way.

I'd say throw some Final Cutters in Meta's face as well.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
Marth is faster and has much better reach. You must learn to powershield, evade, and counter properly, because approaching offensively is not going to be a good tactic.

As for Meta Knight he has faster attacks, (although Kirby's attacks are quite quick) faster running speed, and better priority/ slight range advantage, whereas your biggest advantages would be KO power and air control. So battles in the air would probably be better for you than trying to fight meta on the ground, though Kirby's ground game is still quite nice, but still air would be better.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
Well so far I've played against a couple of Marth players who're actually pretty good and I've learned plenty of stuff from playing them. A lot of Marth players will go running after you or approach you by air doing their double slash (neutral) or forward air. Whether they're running up to you or in the air close enough to you, Final cutter screws them up nice and easily. Final cutter moves a lot faster in this game/has less beginning and ending delay so unless they're really close to you or behind you, you really shouldn't worry about being open after it and it's easily spammable when they're far enough away from you. They can't roll away from you without getting hit most of the time and it's harder for them to play mind games on you. Just try to get behind them and avoid his dancing blades attack (Forward B). Marth's smash attacks last long enough for you to pull off a forward smash if you avoid it so I'd take advantage of that, considering Kirby's forward smash actually has more range now and very good knock back power. I'd get his percent up to around 70%ish and go for the kill after that.

Marth doesn't really have the greatest of recoveries so edge guarding is very useful cause you want to grab the ledge just right before Marth trys using his dolphin slash (Up B) to get back on the stage (you know how when you grab the ledge, you're temporarily invincible). Just don't get hit by Marth's up B cause it sometimes might send you downwards if you hit against the stage. Overall though, I'd say Kirby's a good match up for Marth, you just need to learn how to not get tipped. Considering Kirby's size to be really small, it's harder for them to tip you =s.

As for Metaknight, I don't know ~_~, I'm surprised I haven't come across any pro Metaknight players yet. I suppose you'd best take advantage of Kirby's back air and shield grab after a lot of metaknights attacks. Avoid a lot of his attacks and attack back like I mentioned for Marth :s, though I'm sure edge guardings going to be harder since he can glide.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2008
I have defeated some metas and marths. Just gotta be quick, dodge quick, and counter quick. I can kirbycide with them quick for some reason.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
Meta Knight's a b***h when it comes to beating him with Kirby, Marth, I've never had a whole lot of problems with, but then again, none of my friends main Marth this time around, so... anyway, about MK. I basically just try to stay away from him honestly, maybe throw in a back air A when he gets near me, that's really the only way I've been able to contend with him. I guess just avoid the ground, that's his playing field, Kirby is MUCH more suited to air fighting. Just don't let him get his mid-air up+A on you, that frickin' sux.


Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
Winsted, CT
haha well first off love the sig, and i know they're hard to beat, but it is possible! i have beaten both.you can air dodge, or even use a lot of B(special) moves, because they're ranged.


Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2007
Las vegas, Nevada
Spacing and mindgames. For Meta-knight, kirby's airgame is better *I find*. This match up should be mostly in the air. Marth, knowing his move set helps. Try sheild-grabbing, air dodge and spot dodging *Dodging in place* should work nicely when it comes to his Fsmash and his Fair. Ducking works well with Marth too cuz ducking helps evade his grab and Nair. For me I'd say Meta-knight should be a bigger threat becuase of his short stature and fast attacks *Short stature being that you probably won't be able to duck under like.....anything =( probably* but if you have the experience fighting both of them then familiarity should kick in. Also, if you have quick reflexes, you should be able to watch Marth's start up frames from an attack and act accordingly. I rely on this when I fight Marth's *My friend mains marth so I have lot's o experience with reading his start up frames and statistics so I know what to take advantage of * and speaking of advantage, you should take advantage of your strengths and their weaknesses *Not sure if Marth has any =(* But against Meta-knight, you should try to go for an early K.O since you should have a better killing percentage ratio. With Marth, edge-gurading and recovery gimping should fit in there nicely. That's my opinion on how to take both character's down.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
inhale metanight. and use his move keep using it it murderes metanight. and marth is easy ike and sonic r the ones u really gotta watch out for


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
inhale metanight. and use his move keep using it it murderes metanight. and marth is easy ike and sonic r the ones u really gotta watch out for


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2007
South Florida
I can't really give you some set advice because everyone plays differently.Just see how the person plays their character,if they are agressive or not.And just go from their.

If your playing a aggressive marth or meta knight you will have to be defensive because they are both faster than you.It works for me.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
I agree, marth is the toughest matchup for me when I play kirby. Most of the stuff other intelligent people have said covers it. Edgeguard, spacing, avoid tippers, etc...
-The only advise I have to add would be to realize many marths approach with a predictable fair or nair. So if you're in the air trying to recover or just being combo'ed try to anticipate them and air dodge. Then counter with an aerial of your own.
-If you're on the ground, shield grabbing has been my biggest advantage against an aggressive marth.
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