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How should I fight Olimar???


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
I was playing my friend today, and he was using gay Olimar. After a lot of lives lost, i figured out that AAA combo kept almost every pikmin off, so that helped, but it was already too late. I obviously know Olimar's recovery sucks, and edgeguarded every time. but it's still hard to get past the spamming, so i just shed over the pikmin, into a forward b, but it was still too slow b4 the next pikmin came along, so should i just sh to shield, and then maybe dash cancel grab or something. What's a good approach against Olimar and his endless spamming pikmins???

Any other tips on him would help, i hate him so much.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
If all he's doing is hitting side B, let yourself take the damage and hit him with something.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
lol thats the second time I've heard something like "OLIMAR SPAMZ PIKMIN OMG HE IS SOOOO BROKEN AND CHEEP" Olimar has about six attacks without Pikmin, what else is he supposed to do? anyway sorry for the Flame, being an Olimar main I could probably help. My strategy is to throw the Pikmin, and when my opponent attacks to get the Pikmin off I run in for a grab, or a Dash A to lead into a combo, you seem to have the idea down of letting the Pikmin stay on and attacking Olimar while getting the Pikmin off at the same time.

That would work for a while but once the player realizes they aren't easily going to get away with throw pikmin, attack their play style will begin to change. I think Zamus's Neutral B, the gun, can reflect Pikmin so try using that to keep Pikmin away. I'm not sure about Grab Ranges but I think Zamus's tether like grab thing is longer then some of Olimars grabs (ZOMG BROKEN GRAB NUB) This does seem like a bit of a tough match up for Zamus because Olimar easily out camps her. Zamus has a tether recovery too, so doesn't hers suck just as much as Olimar :| Olimars is probably better because he can do more to stop it =\

I noticed that most of the time just doing one jab can get Pikmin off of Zamus, so just do a quick jab to get them off, maybe take advantage of your gun more often to kill off his Pikmin once they've been thrown at you and go at him when he plucks more.

But I don't know a lot about Zero Suit Samus, and have never really fought any with my Olimar so I don't really know much about this match up but I hope I helped anyway.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
take a look at Thiocyanide's sig, it might help you. He has like 10 battles against olimar


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Thiocyanide, I watched some of your videos and one thing I noticed is that even at high percents the Olimar you were facing was latching you, at percents of like 130+ that high usually an Olimar should be more focused on getting in that KO Smash rather then latching Pikmin because with a Uthrow from a Purple or Fthrow from a Blue he could have KOd you, or an Usmash from a Red anything really, maybe latch some whites simply because they serve no purpose but latching. Anyway nice vid.


Mar 16, 2007
Generally, you'll want to use low-lag attacks to get rid of Pikmin. I like autocanceled nairs, because they are powerful enough to get rid of all but the yellow Pikmin. You might also try using autocanceled bairs or uairs. Jab works, too, although it keeps you immobile, allowing Olimar to close in while you spam a low-range attack.

Your main idea, though, should just be to stay out of Olimar's grab and fsmash range (not really super hard with Plasma Whip), and wear him down. He's easier to knock off than you are, and easier to edgeguard, Ultimately your primary worries will be to stay away from his grabs and keep it ranged.

Zamus has a tether recovery too, so doesn't hers suck just as much as Olimar :| Olimars is probably better because he can do more to stop it =\
Haha. Zamus' double jump is easily twice the height of Olimar's. Her third jump (Flip Jump) is twice the height of the tiny boost Olimar gets from Pikmin Chain and gives her more distance, as well as a second jump, a special footstool and doesn't make her helpless afterward. Furthermore, Plasma Wire and Whip can be used more than once in the air, and Plasma Wire can spike an opponent, and on some occasions still grab the ledge upon a second use after spiking. Zamus' recovery is in another league entirely from Olimar's. There's not even a question in the comparison of the two.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
lol, like I said I'm no expert on Zamus, but Olimar does have a lot of ways to stop edge guarding. Maybe not as many ways, or effective ways, as Zamus but he can still avoid it. On Occasion... that tiny boost Olimar gets from his rope can save his life, not every edge guarding situation has to put you below the stage, but I'll give Zamus her wall jump lol. But I'd rather not turn this match up thread into a flaming argument about how to recover, maybe ask some of the peeps at the Oli boards what they think about this match up, see how they would handle it and find a way to counter their style of play.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Phoot, the nair doesn't knock them off because they're immune to electric-type attacks (Lol ground type?!), which the nair is. Same with the downsmash and neutral B, it won't kill them. Equivalently, the red pikmin are immune to the sideB's tip.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Ironically, tonight I'm going to be playing against a friend who mains Olimar, and I'm planning on recording my matches.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Ironically, tonight I'm going to be playing against a friend who mains Olimar, and I'm planning on recording my matches.
Sweet, more data.

My friend actually still has 6-7 of our more recent matches with his Olimar he has to give me to upload. Sadly, he doesn't main him anymore, but eh, such is life.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2006
If all he's doing is hitting side B, let yourself take the damage and hit him with something.
I can second that.
Against Olimar I often care less about Pikmins poking me, not recklessly though, but i use his throwing as an opening for something else.
The rest is just >B and the other basic stuff. When i played against an Olimar i didnt approach much with dashes because of its dmash range.
Spamming uncharged laser also provokes them :p
When Olimar is sent up air i found it not as good to hit him with aerials because of that super armor frames or whatever you call it when he does that whistling move.
99% of the time i used up B there followd by a dsmash to bair/fsmash


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
While Olimar may be a rag doll in the air, not every character can go up and hit him with aerials as easy as it may sound and this is why. Olimars Neutral air has priority over A LOT of attacks, I use his Super Armor frames occasionally, but thats just me I'm sure other Olimars utilize this more then others. It really depends on the Olimar you're playing because Olimar is played differently by everyone that mains him. I'm sure this is no different with other characters, but Olimar can be, and is, very diverse amongst players.

A word of warning, be careful to roll dodge around Olimar his Dsmash WILL punish you.


Mar 16, 2007
Phoot, the nair doesn't knock them off because they're immune to electric-type attacks (Lol ground type?!), which the nair is. Same with the downsmash and neutral B, it won't kill them. Equivalently, the red pikmin are immune to the sideB's tip.
Yup, that's why I said it doesn't kill yellows. ;o)

lol, like I said I'm no expert on Zamus, but Olimar does have a lot of ways to stop edge guarding. Maybe not as many ways, or effective ways, as Zamus but he can still avoid it. On Occasion... that tiny boost Olimar gets from his rope can save his life, not every edge guarding situation has to put you below the stage, but I'll give Zamus her wall jump lol.
I know Olimar can stop edgeguarders, but his options are rather few in comparison to Zamus'. That's all I'm saying.
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