an easier way to think about this is with these questions (assuming aspect = character, stage, or a tactic such as planking):
- when this aspect is brought into play, what do top players do with it?
- once top players use it effectively, how do choices work within it? does this aspect limit choices, or does it simply create more?
- are there counters to this aspect? how does this counter operate when this aspect is not involved?
- how about things that this aspect counters in itself? do they still function well in the metagame?
- with all of those above things in mind: does it create a more evolving and interesting metagame, or does it create a stale and devolving one?
- assume you attempt to permanently remove this aspect through a ruleset. how? keep in mind, you must be as precise as possible, without potentially allowing for easy loopholes, otherwise the rule serves no purpose.
keep in mind, only points five and six have an objective good/bad answer. for example, just because something creates options does not make it good; indeed, it could possibly create
too many options, thus making a character considerably too good as a result.
at the end of the day, they all lead into point five; a metagame that devolves is one that will lose all competitiveness over time, and ensuring that it does not devolve is the only major reason to ever justify a ban within rulesets. point six, similarly, holds importance; how often have you ever seen a rule such as "no stalling" ever been enforced? likely never, because it's far too vague to easily be enforceable. when stalling tactics such as planking in brawl warrants ruleset changes, it's very specific, going as far as having a specific number of times you're allowed to grab the ledge in a single game.
if you need to know more about point six, I'd recommend the section about rulesets in david sirlin's "playing to win". keep in mind, though, the "warranted" section is intentionally vague, due to the major lesson of that book being "get good and adapt", which is why I focused so much on that end to make up for it.