That's not always the case, you know. You shouldn't always assume the C-Stick is he be-all-end-all of Smash. I'd at least want to learn how to use it strategically rather than not know what to do with it.
I'll be nice, because is that what people deserves.
The C-stick should be used to improve your reaction-time, your agility to start any attack that is possible with it.
Why ?Because with a C-stick you need only ONE input to use some attack.
Let's take a Down Smash as example: If you need to press Down+A, you need a more restrict and hard input than simply put your second analog in the down direction.If you miss the timing, you can input a Down Tilt with Down+A, what you can't do with the C-stick (You can, but you would need to input down with the movement analog too, what is harder to mess).
Now guessing you're already know why is the better option but have problems to do it.
Train yourself at using the C-stick always you can. Always on the air, except when using the Neutral air.
Soon you will get it. It's a bit of intuitive.
You will still use A when you want to tilt and jab, I'm used to dash attack with C-stick now too.
Don't give up of the C-stick.
A lot of techniques are exclusive for the c-stick in previous entries of the franchise.
With the c-stick is easy to jump forward and do a back aerial, or jump backwards and use a front aerial, what is a commom space tool. C-stick helps you to use attacks while fast-falling, together with a jump, and many other situations.
Get used to it.Train hard. I believe in you <o\