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How do you rip footage from a DVD?

Foxhound 3857

Smash Cadet
Jun 18, 2007
Here's the deal. After ripping the songs from my Pound Puppies movie using Freecorder (painfully difficult, but I was successful), I recently found out that the series was showing again on Boomerang. I watched a few episodes, was intrigued highly by the series (better than the movie), and decided to search the internet. I only got a few hits, but I managed to find a store that actually sold the entire series on DVD, and at only $20 too.

They're not original CDs. They're simple blank CDs that had all of the episodes and the movie transferred onto them (although an interactive menu was made, which is pretty cool). The CD is in actual DVD format, though.

What I would like to know is how can I directly rip each episode to file while watching it on the computer? I'm not intent on hosting this on Youtube or something. All I want to do is get each episode and the movie saved on file for convenience. This way, I can watch them whenever I want and I won't have to pop in the discs to do so, since they're not in the best of condition.

If anyone knows how to do this without a capture device (I don't have one.), please tell me how.

Thanks in advance.

Foxhound 3857

Smash Cadet
Jun 18, 2007
That thread is older and only explains how to rip the audio (one way, anyway), not how to directly save each episode to file. Freecorder doesn't capture video anyway; it only captures audio.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
no, just follow my post. go download ripit4me (it's a free program that can rip a dvd to your computer).
Tell me how it goes!

Foxhound 3857

Smash Cadet
Jun 18, 2007
Thanks; it worked. The 36 episodes and movie are taking up 12 gigs, but they work. Good enough for me.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
You can always compress them with virtualdub (google it) or encode them to any other format you like (check the sticky)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
You can convert it to any format you want (mpg, etc), and most of the time there won't be a significant drop in quality. Try it out yourself! =D
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