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How do you fight Lucas w/ Diddy?

General Diddy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2007
I can't spike him mid PK thunder, or do almost any other off stage combat

Also i tend to have to get above my opponents, which i can't do because of the dumb up smash.



Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2008
Tampa, FL
You need to be aware of when the opponet is doing Lucas' upsmash. It takes a moment to fully execute and you should be able to time an air dodge to avoid the punishing attack. Really, you shouldn't be approaching from above when fighting Lucas, cause he can also counter with a sh nair. Approach from the ground (time PKfires and Lucas' Dsmash and avoid) and play a more evasive game.

A banana here and there will help out, and use your popgun when you can cause Lucas can not absorb either.

When offstage, do NOT attack when Lucas' PKThunder connects for the recovery. Well..you can attack, but it is dangerous. You can up-B right before Lucas hits you and IF you get lucky it will do a counter, but then you have to worry about getting back onto the stage. If you can, throw Lucas off stage and follow up with a bair or fair before or just after Lucas does a recovery jump, becuase Lucas' jump takes a bit to actually be performed.

Again, if the PKthunder conncets, just avoid it get back on the stage and wait for him with a smash. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Benton Harbor, MI
Play a defensive game against Lucas. Use your bananas and your peanut popgun often. I mained Lucas for a short time, and I had problems against characters with solid projectiles.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2008
2 bananas destroy Lucas. Then again they pretty much destroy anyone.

Get to know the range on Lucas's up-smash. It's kinda deceptive. Also, his usmash has more lag at the end than the beginning. Know the timing for both. Whenever I block an usmash with the shield, I drop it as soon as possible and get it a hit. With other attacks, the opponent would recover too quickly, but Lucas's usmash has enough lag.

I had a pretty sweet kill on a Lucas today. He was recovering with his up-b, so I jumped out and Up-b spiked him.

Doctor T

Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2007
Abilene, Texas
Also i tend to have to get above my opponents, which i can't do because of the dumb up smash.
DIDDY HUMP. Seriously, he is an easy target when charging his Up-B. Just be careful not to get hit by the actual attack. A well-timed Diddy Hump means death for Lucas, because when he gets too low, he won't be able to recover.

General Diddy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2007
DIDDY HUMP. Seriously, he is an easy target when charging his Up-B. Just be careful not to get hit by the actual attack. A well-timed Diddy Hump means death for Lucas, because when he gets too low, he won't be able to recover.
holy crap i never realized this :O


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
Southern Cali
Against good Lucas', the above strategies pretty much don't work. Seriously. My Lucas friend is insane at punishing my banana use, it is safer for me if I don't use them at all. And, as for humping the pk thunder, ya, that doesn't work either. He just falls to either tether grab (which I now know how to defend), or pk thunders from far out so I can't get out there in time.

Doctor T

Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2007
Abilene, Texas
I don't see how Lucas can use your bananas against you any easier than your average character. He doesn't have a reflect move... in fact is absorber is completely useless vs. Diddy. I would think it would be quite difficult to face Lucas without using your bananas, as his PK Fire and other abilities make it very difficult to approach.

If he is using your bananas against you, not using them at all is probably not the answer. Because that gives him a really big advantage. Instead, use them more sparingly and carefully, and try to find new ways to use them, and surprise your opponent with them.

Remember that just the act of using bananas won't help you. At all. The bananas create openings. Always follow up bananas with assault, or it will be very easy for your opponent to use them against you. ;)

And if your opponent goes off the stage... FOLLOW HIM. Every time. Diddy has a great recovery, and you should use that to your advantage. Often just the act of following him off the stage can cause problems for your opponent, as it pressures him to be extra careful, or to do something he wouldn't normally. If you're following him off the stage from the start, it will probably be much easier to get a Diddy Hump off. Predicting your opponent is the key to edge-guarding, so try to figure out how he will react.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
as always, i advocate banana use against those without reflectors.

You have so many ways to gimp Lucas recovery. I think you beat him similar to how you beat an olimar however you want to do it (most likely dsmash) get him horizontal away from the stage. 1-2 peanuts while lucas is trying to recover will pretty much screw him. If he's close enough, you can jump once, peanut him to make his upB reset and to stall him, and while he is trying to upB again, use your 2nd jump and fair him. Of course, like someone else said, you can diddy hump him for maximum lulz. He's about as easy as snake is to connect on.

Da N

Smash Journeyman
Apr 28, 2007
The vacinity of the planet Earth. (California)
Its nearly impossible to approach from above 'cause of the pk thunder and u-smash. Its easiest to dash to u-smash, if possible, 'cause of how quick it is sh popgun kills against the lucas's I play. As much as I like the bananas they know how to use them against me so I advise not using them.
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