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How do you fight Ike?


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2006
Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Hello, this is a thread designed to collect up-to-date info on Match-ups for the Ike boards, which is always in desperate need of good info.

I come to you today with a simple set of questions, attempting to get the "other side" of ideas pertaining to the Matchups against Ike. Its just a few simple questions I'm hoping to get answered;

1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?
2. What moves do you fear from Ike?
3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?
4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?
5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?

Feel free to add anything else that doesn't fit into the questions criteria. The goal is to collect information, so anything s useful.

On a side note, I may feel the need to quote this info. If you don't wished to be quoted, please tell me in your posts, and I will not quote you.

Thanks in advance. ^^


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
san diego, california
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?

slow character with predictable moveset has good ground game yet still slow so as a good ike player will use the fast attacks in conjunction with the slow powerful attacks to gain advantage and i feel thathe is a very hard character to use effectively.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?

Bair,Utilt and sideB.These are his fast and powerful attacks that are hard to predict , have a good priority and are hard to punish with other close range attacks.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?

Attacks with high lag as they are easy to predict and punish.Sometimes if you see the attack coming you can use a fast attack to hit ike before he does the attack.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?

Mostly attacks with range and little lag like Bair and Fsmash as these will cause you to effectively hit and in the ocassion they miss the attacks make you go through ike away from his close range attacks where he can counter with an atack from his own.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?

I apply Bairs since ike has a hard time with his recovery if he uses upB i DI from the ledge and hit him with the Bair.If i see him charging SideB i go in front of him so his atack hits me causing him to fall and with the knockback from the attack i get back to the stage.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Ike is an interesting character with 2 types of games. Learning how the weaknesses of each is the key. The biggest move to fear against ike is deffinently his jab combo, most ikes use this to rack up most of thier damage, either from counter/spot dodge to a combo's, or no land lag aerials to jabs. After that you need to watch for ftilts and fsmashes that can kill you. So they moves I dread is actually the jab combo, and his neutral B. He can be extremely annoying for him to proc these juggernaut froms as I go to approach and send wolf flying.

I've never really struggled wike Ike, and I rely on back air spacing to keep out of range of his jabs. If he is going to do his side b laser is reliable interrupt. Also both of Ike's recovery moves are easily spikeable, simply down spike his up B as he reachs the top of the move, very effective since most ike's realize this and don't try and land this move directly on the edge. Other than that just watch for his 2 fast aerials and in general wolf should be able to control this match with superior speed and spacing.


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC
1. He fights for his friends
2. The ones he fights for his friends with
3. All of them if his friends aren't around
4. I befriend him
5. Well usually I jus-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
1. What is your general opinion of Ike as a character?

Easy to kill offstage, slow, good punisher. Play smart at all times, because it could cost you a stock.

2. What moves do you fear from Ike?

AAA combo, b-air, f-air, forward b, d-air, usmash.

3. Which moves do not trouble you at all?

Pretty much all the other ones. Fsmash is the only I didn't list that would scare me.

4. Which moves/techniques do you use against Ike to gain the advantage?

I press B a lot. Bait him to come to me, then I use his slow speed to my advantage and play the hit and run game until I get him offstage. Then it's cake.

5. What specific edgeguards do you employ versus Ike?

If he's forward->bing far away, just jump in front of it. If he's up+bing, time an edge hug and steal the edge from him. Make him get on the stage, ledge-hop bair him off and start the process over again. If he's close to the stage and he forward->bs, I normally jump in front of it and try and get to him when he gets to the ground.
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