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How do you deal with this?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2015
South NJ
Everytime I come to team battles with my sister, I mostly see Ness/Yoshi and it usually ends up like what happens in the video.

Note: I was Robin and my sister was Link.

And yes, before I was Falco so the PK fire wasn't that bare, but I had trouble with Yoshi stalking me through, even though Link was trying to fight.

Any tips for this trouble? Much appreciated. :/

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
Everytime I come to team battles with my sister, I mostly see Ness/Yoshi and it usually ends up like what happens in the video.

Note: I was Robin and my sister was Link.

And yes, before I was Falco so the PK fire wasn't that bare, but I had trouble with Yoshi stalking me through, even though Link was trying to fight.

Any tips for this trouble? Much appreciated. :/
Well honestly the main issue isn't the characters you're facing. It's clear the skill level between you and the other team are on different levels. I can tell you guys probably only play on a casual level (or still learning) so it's easy for people to take advantage of that.

My first tip would be to learn how to DI. Multi-hit moves can be easily escaped (even by heavy characters at low percents) if you DI correctly. This video here can show you how to do it.

Overall however, both of you need to understand the mechanics and play styles behind your characters better. I could probably type up an entire wall of everything your sister did wrong while playing Link but I'd rather not make this into an essay.

The forums are here for things like that and if either of you are serious about improving I'd suggest looking into the character boards for guides and tips on how to further improve yourselves.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
Keep in mind that this is a team battle with team attack off, so don't feel too bad about it, considering all the stuff that happens in them.

In addition to all that stuff above, it'd also really help to pick up on your opponent's habits and flowchart. You can tell that they LOVED the PK Fire and Yoshi Dair combo to Ness Fsmash. I agree, it's easier said than done to download your opponents, especially in a team battle with team attack off, but it's very important to think on your feet, pick up their habits, and form a counter strategy to turn the tables.
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