Image Tags
Image tags are used to put a picture into your post. Once you find a picture, right-click on it and click "Properties." You'll get a window that has different properties about the picture. Next to "Address (URL):" you will see a URL. Highlight the URL by left-clicking and dragging over it. Make sure to get the whole URL. Now that you have the URL you can put it in a post. Get into the Post Reply form for the topic. There are two ways to put an image in your post. One way is to click on "IMG" where it says "vB Code". It will prompt you to put in the URL of your picture. After doing that, press OK and your Image will be in Image Tags in the post. The other way is to use code. Type in [*IMG]URL[*/IMG] without the asterisks (these things: *). Both have the same effect. Here's an example of the second way.
My URL is this:
Now to show you I will put in the asterisks, then I will show you the complete picture.
The completed picture would show like this: