TL;DR - I have no one to play with, closet scene is an hour away, can't do it at school or home, and a local microplay hosted a smash 4 tourney once should i make a deal with them?
Recently I've been getting into competitive and I've been having fun learning new things but i have a problem, the closest scenes to me are over an hour away by bus. My family doesn't own a car so that's out of the question. The only options i have are just playing against computer forever, going to places that are hours away, or starting up my own scene. I know that a lot of people in my school play smash (streetpass on the 3ds) so i was thinking i could do it through a club but i only have 1 controller. another problem is that the school says you must always have a teacher supervisor which is hard to get because all of the teachers at my school will say no. I can't start up a scene at home and the closest thing that I've gotten to a tournament was an event at microplay for smash 4 so should i try and make a deal of some sort with them?