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How Do I Counter Against My Incredibly Cheap (yet, noobish) Friend?


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
First off, let's establish the fact that Wolf's Fsmash and Dsmash are ridiculously overpowered.

Wolf lunges forward a considerable distance when he performs his Fsmash. Fine, but at least balance the increased range with a long start-up time or something. The thing launches instantaneously and when you are at 0% and get hit with the Fmash, you can combo it into at LEAST 3 consecutive Fsmash combos. Also, it outranges a ROLL. I anticipate Wolf to Fsmash, so I roll away and dodge it, ONLY TO GET HIT YET AGAIN because the moment I finish rolling, his Fsmash range is FAR enough to cover the distance I rolled and STILL hit me.


Ike's Usmash is powerful and covers a large distance (less than Wolf's, though), BUT it's balanced by being extremely slow and easy to dodge. Freakin wolf's Fsmash is IMMEDIATE, RANGED, and pretty powerful (10%ish). Plus, it consists of two hits, so if you shield it and release it after you think it's been blocked, YOU STILL GET HIT. God****.

Not to be cocky or anything, but I'm pretty good at smash (not a pro or anything), but I know pretty much all the basics and I can take on all my friends and win very easily with pretty much any character.

But no.. not against my noob friend who discovered the joys of spamming wolf's laser, rolling, and Fsmashing. Any other character he chooses, I **** him. The moment he picks up wolf, he wins 70% of the time. My strategy was pretty much to shield against his Fsmash and punish him after lag upon completion.. BUT NO, THERE IS NO **** LAG FOR WOLF'S FMASH. I block it once and go in to hit him, only for him to LAUNCH ANOTHER FMASH before I can even hit him.

His Dsmash is also instantaneous, and again overpowered, because Wolf performs splits that cover his front and back AT THE SAME TIME. Other characters who have Dsmashes first hit their front with their legs/swords/etc and then their backs. But no, not mr. wolf.

I'm not saying Wolf in itself is cheap. I'm saying his Fsmash in particular is way too overpowered, spammable, ranged, and instantaneous.

What's annoying, though, is my noob friend who thinks he's the **** with wolf. But all he does is roll around, spam laser so I have to approach him, roll behind me, perform Fsmash, roll away, spam laser, roll, Fsmash, Dsmash, roll, etc.

He probably covers all his horizontal distance with his Fsmash and rolling. That's all he does: spam laser, roll, and Fsmashes.

I've tried so many characters to counter him, but the only way I can pretty easily destroy him is with Zelda, who, is also pretty cheap with her near 100% smash attack priorities, din's fire spammability, B move, and etc. I used to play her a lot, but my friends *****ed and moaned that she was cheap (including my friend who now plays Wolf), so I agreed and stopped. But the moment my friends and I started calling my friend cheap with Wolf, he denies it and get's all self-righteous. He even goes so far as to say that Zelda isn't cheap anymore, but just "really good," when he was the one who called her cheap the most.

Everytime I watch a youtube video with wolf in it, I just cringe in disgust when I see an Fsmash performed, even though it isn't spammed. The mere fact that it's so easy to land and spam is so frustrating.

Who is the best counter to Wolf?


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
ehh zelda, pit, and medanight. pit would probably be your best bet, i say spam with pits arrows and his b> and reflect his lazers see how pissed you can get him. wolf is a great character to master


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
also wolfs lazer is incredibly easy to outrange or reflect . wolfs a> can be avoided not too hard to figure out once you are familliar with wolfs range you will have an idea on when he will use it just roll and <a> him back


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I don't know about anyone else but, olimar is my biggest pain. Spamming pikmen, ridiculous grab range, usmash. He's the most annoying and btw wolfs dsmash is a sweep back and forth, fox and falco do the splits.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
yea wolf's dsmash is a sweep, and if you wanna avoid the fsmash, roll the other way (not into where your friend is going in the first place) or try shield grabbing, both of which would work perfectly well most of the time


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
oh, i didn't notice it was a sweep.

point is, he essentially covers his front and back because his smash attacks are SO fast.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Fsmash is easily punishable even on wifi, it has considerable ending lag. Just dont' try and smash wolf afterwards, use a tilt or grab. If u are in wolf's face and u roll away, any good wolf player will fsmash you, so just jump away.

If you want a decent counter, anyone with a tether grab can punish fsmash easily, you can greb him mid attack with it, and even if it knocks u back a bit after u shield, ur still in grab range. As far as his laser goes, plenty of chars out there that can projectile back ro reflect, but its really not necessary, just be careful on ur approach.

Good counters to wolf- Lucas is good way to go with tether grab, and (if done correctly) unpunishable projectile. He can absorb his laser and has better air priority esepecially with down air. Link also does really well against him with his own projectile spam, won't get into details but trust me he's tough to beat as wolf.


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
I don't know what you're talking about. Yoshi is the cheapest character, that ***** turns into an egg.

I just found out he can turn into an egg while shielding OR using side B. How the **** do you fight that?!


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
I don't know what you're talking about. Yoshi is the cheapest character, that ***** turns into an egg.

I just found out he can turn into an egg while shielding OR using side B. How the **** do you fight that?!
He can throw eggs too, that's why he's banned from tournament play.
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