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How come the pros get hit by things you think they would shield.

Dabble Dot

Smash Cadet
Oct 15, 2015
I've been thinking about this for a while. How come the pros get hit by things you think they would shield. When someones in the air they're either going to come down to land an attack land next to you and spot dodge or shield or go back to nuetral.
How come the pros are "human to". Its a relatively simple game I feel like they should be able to shield almost all ariels. I feel like Zero shouldn't get hurt so bad that he's at this point where he should only take damage when he's about to trade and gets hit first.
I guess I get putting yourself out there you're taking risks to get the job done. I was watching a video from esam and he said zero suit samus nuitral is all a giant bluff and you can shield all her arials.
Can you explain why I'm wrong and how this game is deceptively complex?
Also I was wondering if anyone found something online where they draw out the nuetral of different characters and show how to predict nuetral and gather behaviour knowledge. I imagine you could show this with a mock up of the stage and drawing lines with arrows.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2017
Because often people will come down without an aerial, then grab. So if they shield, they would get grabbed. Often, a grab would lead into a bigger combo resulting in more damage than the one aerial.

By the way, an emptyhop-grab is called a tomahawk

Zero-Suit Samus has a very bad grab, which is why ESAM said what he did.
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