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How can I improve my Falco?


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
I know guys, there is tons of this crap on smashboards and mods can delete it if people find it annoying.

So here's the thing. I main Falco for about month now and I need some feedback from different people. I have a video here that is a random Wifi match against Tears of Sephiroth. I hope some of you are willing to give me feedback on it because I really need to improve.

Thanks in advance.

VIDEO: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=8vwKBQwxNjg&fmt=18


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
More lasers....
and practice Technical **** such as boost grabs, Reverse boost grabs, boost smashing, and gattling smashes. and use your Utilt and Forward tilt for priority and spacing. other than that your not bad.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Most importantly, try not to jump off the ledge and "gimp" Marth. It won't work. Marth will actually gimp you. Falco has a disadvantage when he's below the stage...mainly because the only way he can get back on the stage is by using Up-B and his Up-B is horrible.

Against Marth, it's best to stand near the edge and wait, just out of reach of Marth's Get-Up-Attack. You can punsh him easier at this stance.

You were winning, until Marth gimped you.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
GBoro, NC
Lol, this vid makes Brawl look even slower... I hate wifi...

Uhh, well Marth is supposed to be a difficult match up for Falco. An IRL match may have different results.... :urg:

Deleted member

I'll just post random things I see as I'm watching this vid:

- Use SH rising Nair to punish instead of Dsmash. Not only will this do more damage, but it will also save your Dsmash for KOing (one of Falcos only reliable (as in realistic to use in a match) KO moves, I might add)

- Watch Marth's nair from the ledgehop. This is a nasty trick that seems to work especially well on Falco

- Your spotdodging was very predictable throughout the match. Most of the time you spotdodge dsmashed, and while this may work okay online, it wont work as well in a real time match versus a good player. Try spotdodging twice, spotdodging and then rolling, spotdodging into a grab, or even just not spotdodging and jabbing instead.

- Finish out the jab combo more, especially if your opponent does not seem to be shielding the jab (when you try to jab into grab). This is a surprisingly good option as it does good damage and is sometimes very unavoidable for the opponent. Falco's jab comes out on frame 2 and has massive priority, range, and damage. I cannot express enough, JAB MORE. I seriously use jab to do at least 20-30 damage each stock. It is a great move and very usable. Plus it lessens some of the decay on your other attacks (like bair).

- FF Nair to Jab is a true combo, I repeat, THIS WORKS!! Please lead nairs into Jab, which can then lead into other good stuff like (FFNair, 1Jab, Grab, dthrow, Boost Usmash for example, would be one of my strings)

- IAP more, this WORKS on a Marth. Marth can outpriortize it with Nair, but lets be realistic here, its not gonna happen. If you feel your spacing is off and the Dancing Blade is coming, IAP through him and start lasering again.

- SHDL MORE. A lot more.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
What is IAP?

And I think you should work on your spacing. Marth's had really good spacing that match and won because of that and you tried to gimp him too much. You also used the Firefox too much. At around 2:00 you could just used Side B and got to the stage safely.

You attempted too many spot dodges, grabs, and Dsmashes. Your grabs got really predictable. Your Dsmashes hit but they had no knockback since you used them so much.

Crazy Hobo

Smash Cadet
Jul 2, 2006
You tried way too hard to grab Marth. I have this problem too when I verse DDDs. Against Marth you need to spam SHDL, let Marth come to you and don't get near Marth. Do not follow Marth off the ledge, he will beat you most of the time. You more tilts for spacing, such as after you side step.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
I can't really spam SHDL online lol, chance is too big that I end up doing >B instead with the lag you know. But thanks all for the comments.
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