Back in the brawl days Sakurai tried hard to get Mewtwo in, ( As well as others in the forbidden 7, but Mewtwo was the furthest along in development.) but he ran out of time and had to cut him. At that time DLC wasn't an option. Now DLC is an option so there's no good excuse why any supposedly cut first party veterans can't be DLC. If they do have DLC then they must also do it right. They can't do DLC and add characters like Dr. Luigi, Birdo, and Team Rocket and say thats it no Mewtwo ( or whoever you want) for DLC. Any first party veterans that aren't in the games at launch must be top priority for DLC. Then once all the first party veterans are playable, then add in new comer DLC or package Veteran DLC with Newcomer DLC. Third party veterans are harder to get back so there could be an issue there, but first party veterans that don't make the cut must be playable via DLC. Newcomers that were being developed, but cut before the games release should also be DLC. Then once all that is done possibly make a just a few more newcomers for DLC. Like say maybe Sami from Advance Wars wasn't planned initially, well once all the supposedly cut first party veterans and intended new comers are playable, then create Sami and make her playable via DLC. THEY MUST DO DLC AND THEY MUST DO IT RIGHT!